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目錄 Content
The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Reformed Presbyterian Testimony
B-大要理問答 B-1
The Larger Catechism B-1
C-小要理問答 C-1
The Shorter Catechism C-1
Directory for Church Government
The Book of Discipline
The Directory of Public Worship
Suggested Forms
History of the Standards
1871 年的盟約
The Covenant of 1871
索引 J-1
The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Reformed Presbyterian Testimony
B-大要理問答 B-1
The Larger Catechism B-1
C-小要理問答 C-1
The Shorter Catechism C-1
Directory for Church Government
The Book of Discipline
The Directory of Public Worship
Suggested Forms
History of the Standards
1871 年的盟約
The Covenant of 1871
索引 J-1
Directory for Church Government
簡介 D1
第一章:教會領聖餐成員 The Communicant Membership of the Church............................................. D1
第二章:教會 The Congregation.................................................................................................................. D4
第三章:教會承受職分者 The Officers of the Church.................................................................................D6
1-長老:治理長老 Elders: Ruling Elders..............................................................................................D6
A-資格 Qualifications
B-職責 Duties
C-特權 Privileges
D-選舉程序 Procedure for Election
E-考試、按立,和設立的程序 Procedure for Examination, Ordination and Installation
2-長老:教導長老 (牧師)Elders: Teaching Elder.........................................................................D12
A-資格 Qualifications
B-職責 Duties
2-講道資格(取得執照的第一部)Eligibility to Preach (First Step for Licensure)
3-被呼召的資格 (取得執照的最後一步)Eligibility for a Call (Final Step for Licensure)
第四章 堂會 The Session ..............................................................................................................................D28
第五章 執事會 The Board of Deacons.........................................................................................................D30
第六章 區會 The Presbytery..........................................................................................................................D31
第七章 組織新教會 Organizing New Congregation....................................................................................D34
第八章 總會 The Synod..................................................................................................................................D38
第九章 總會的議事規則 Rules of Order for a Meeting of Synod..............................................................D42
第一章:教會領聖餐成員 The Communicant Membership of the Church............................................. D1
第二章:教會 The Congregation.................................................................................................................. D4
第三章:教會承受職分者 The Officers of the Church.................................................................................D6
1-長老:治理長老 Elders: Ruling Elders..............................................................................................D6
A-資格 Qualifications
B-職責 Duties
C-特權 Privileges
D-選舉程序 Procedure for Election
E-考試、按立,和設立的程序 Procedure for Examination, Ordination and Installation
2-長老:教導長老 (牧師)Elders: Teaching Elder.........................................................................D12
A-資格 Qualifications
B-職責 Duties
2-講道資格(取得執照的第一部)Eligibility to Preach (First Step for Licensure)
3-被呼召的資格 (取得執照的最後一步)Eligibility for a Call (Final Step for Licensure)
第四章 堂會 The Session ..............................................................................................................................D28
第五章 執事會 The Board of Deacons.........................................................................................................D30
第六章 區會 The Presbytery..........................................................................................................................D31
第七章 組織新教會 Organizing New Congregation....................................................................................D34
第八章 總會 The Synod..................................................................................................................................D38
第九章 總會的議事規則 Rules of Order for a Meeting of Synod..............................................................D42
The purpose of the Directory is to provide the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America definitions and procedures to implement the doctrinal statements concerning the nature of the church and its government, as they have been stated in the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. For the purposes of this Directory, “fundamental law” refers to the Westminster Confession and Catechisms and the Reformed Presbyterian Testimony. The “law and order of the church” refers to the Directory for Church Government, the Book of Discipline and the Directory for Worship together with the actions of the Synod. These definitions and procedures as set down in this Directory are to be received as official statements declaring the law and order of the church. The Directory may be amended by any given Synod by a two-thirds majority vote. If, however, Synod considers that the item before it should have the consideration and discussion of the sessions, it can by a simple majority vote decide to use the procedure of sending proposed amendments down in overture; however, any such amendments must be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Synod before they can be sent down in overture to the sessions. The same amend- ment process shall be followed for The Book of Discipline and The Directory of Public Worship. CHAPTER 1 The Communicant Membership of the Church 1. Any person capable of forming moral judgments and of making decisions for himself may be received into communicant membership in the Reformed Presbyterian Church, upon credible profession of faith, baptism, and acceptance of the Covenant of Church Membership. Communicant members have an obligation to present their children for baptism and to do all in their power to rear their children so that they will seek communicant membership in the church. 【D-1】 2. In a regularly organized congregation it belongs to the session alone to admit to membership in the church. In extraordinary circumstances, such as the organization of a new congregation, presbytery may assume this function or delegate it to a temporary governing body. In the early stages of work in a foreign mission field, special powers may be exercised by the missionaries in this regard until such time as a congregation with a regular session can be organized.
3. Classes should be conducted, under the oversight of the session, for bap- tized children as well as for prospective members for their instruction in the principles of truth maintained by the Church with a view to preparing them to be communicant members. 4. Candidates for communicant membership shall be examined by the session in constituted court. The examination shall seek to bring out the degree of the candidate’s knowledge of Divine truth, his personal sense of sin and need of salvation and his knowledge of and willing acceptance of the Covenant of Church Membership including the distinctive principles of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. The degree of knowledge necessary for admission depends, to a considerable extent, upon the capacity of the candidate and the opportunities which he has had for acquiring such knowledge. Children should be encouraged to memorize the Shorter Catechism and urged to read and study the Testimony and Confession of Faith as they come to years of fuller understanding. No one should be admitted who is ignorant of the plan of sal- vation, or who gives no credible evidence of having been born again, or who assumes an attitude antagonistic to the principles set forth in the standards of the Church. 5. When the candidates have given assent to the Covenant of Church Membership and when their examination has been sustained, they shall, if they have been baptized, be declared in communicant membership and may sign the Covenant of Church Membership. After prayer on their behalf, the members of the session shall welcome them by extending the right hand of fellowship. 6. Where there is no definite knowledge that a candidate has been baptized in a true church as defined by Synod (chap. 25 of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church), this sacrament shall be administered. 7. The new members should be publicly recognized. This may be done by having them stand before the congregation to give public assent to the Covenant of Church Membership. The congregation may be asked to join in giving assent to the Covenant. This question shall be addressed to the congregation: “Do you, 【D-2】 the members of this congregation, welcome into your fellowship these who have now professed their faith in Christ, and have been received by your session;
and do you promise to help and encourage them in the Christian life?” The con- gregation should respond, “We do.” A few words of counsel may be given to the new members and prayer offered in their behalf. 8. Members should willingly consecrate their talents and gifts to the service of Christ. They should prayerfully consider accepting a position in the church when called to do so. 9. A member of any congregation of any Reformed Presbyterian Church, in this or other lands, may be received into communicant membership of any congregation of the church, upon presentation of a certificate from the session of his congregation. An applicant from another denomination shall satisfy the session of his acceptance of the basic truths of the historic Christian faith and of the Covenant of Church Membership. Certificates shall be valid for one year only from the date of issue, unless reasons can be shown for the delay in presenting them. If a certificate states exceptions, or grounds of censure, the applicant shall give full satisfaction to the session before being admitted. 10. Neglect of the ordinances should be a matter of church discipline; but where a member has, for a period of one year failed to attend, to contribute, or to give any other evidence of interest and cannot be contacted, he may be removed from the roll of communicant membership. The session officially shall attempt to notify him of that action. He may be restored to communicant membership when he has given credible evidence of adherence to the Cov- enant of Church Membership. 11. A member of the Church moving from one congregation to another congre- gation in the denomination shall be given a certificate of transfer of membership at his request. Notice shall also be given to the session of the congregation to which he desires transfer. A person leaving the membership of the Reformed Presbyterian Church shall also be given a certificate of transfer of membership including any qualifications the session has in its records. 12. If a member becomes a member of another denomination without a regular dismissal, the session shall record the fact and remove his name from the roll. If charges are pending against him these charges may be prosecuted. 13. A member certified to another congregation of the denomination is under the jurisdiction of the session issuing his certificate of membership until he has been received by the session to which he has been certified, but shall not be entitled to vote or hold office. A certificate of transfer of membership becomes effective immediately. A person restored to membership in a congregation by the return of a certificate of transfer to the session which issued it, is not entitled 【D-3】 to exercise the functions of any office previously held. He may, however, be re-elected to the same.
14. Presbytery may establish a temporary roll of membership. Such a roll may be used for a mission church or may authorize the temporary governing body to receive members on such a roll. It may also be used when a congregation becomes disorganized. It is to be considered a temporary roll. In the case of disorganization, those placed on the rolls of presbytery should become mem- bers of another congregation within one year. Diligent effort should be made to retain members in the Reformed Presbyterian Church. CHAPTER 2 The Congregation 1. A congregation is organized on the basis of the standards of the Reformed Presbyterian Church and in conformity with its law and order. A fully organized congregation is made up of a group of members with a session of elders for the oversight of the congregation and a board of deacons responsible chiefly for the ministry of mercy and stewardship. The teaching elder/pastor is a member of the congregation and his ministerial credentials are held by the presbytery. Presbyteries are directed to exercise due care and diligence to see that both sessions and boards of deacons are duly chosen, ordained and established in every congregation under their care. All ordained officers shall be chosen by vote of the congregation, and every communicant member shall have an equal voice in such choice. 2. Children of communicant members of the Church, in consequence of their covenant relationship, shall receive baptism, pastoral care and instruction, and are baptized members of the Church, but are not to be admitted to the Lord’s Supper until they have reached years of understanding and have voluntarily professed their faith in Christ and assumed for themselves the vows and ob- ligations of the Covenant of Church Membership. Baptized members have no vote in the congregational meetings. 3. Persons, not members of the congregation, who regularly attend the services, participate in the worship, and contribute to the support are known as adherents. They have no vote in the congregational meetings. 4. In many states or provinces, congregations are required to have a Board of Trustees in whom the title of the church property is vested and who rep- resent the congregation in all legal matters. The Board shall be elected from the membership of the congregation and shall have no duties beyond those necessary to fulfill the legal requirements. For efficiency in handling its affairs, the membership and officers of the Board of Trustees may be identical with or chosen from the Board of Deacons. D-4 5. The session shall have general oversight and review of all organizations within the congregation. These may include a Sabbath school for study based on the Scriptures; a mid-week meeting; missionary and young people’s societies, and other fellowship groups. There may be other organizations, as desired, provided they promote the principles, practices and ministries of the Church. 6. Every congregation is under special obligation to give religious instruction to the youth, to seek the salvation of the lost, and to declare the whole Gospel to all within its reach. A congregation has certain other responsibilities among which are: To elect its own elders and deacons; to transact its business; to require reports from its organizations, officers and committees; to petition the courts of the church for any action it may desire; to appeal from decisions of the lower courts to the higher; to maintain the ordinances of public worship; to provide a suitable place of worship and equipment to carry on its activities; to be obe- dient in the Lord to the law and order of the Church, with care to maintain a godly fellowship in love and loyalty and support to all its members and to the denomination. 7. An annual meeting of the congregation shall be held to hear reports and transact business. Special meetings may be called by the session either on its own volition, or at the written request of the board of deacons, or by petition of the congregation, if the purpose(s) be of sufficient importance and in accordance with the law and order of the Church. The purpose(s) of such meeting shall be stated in the notice, and no other business shall be transacted. Notice of all congregational meetings shall be given at the public services on two preceding Lord’s Days. If the congregation has no public meeting, ten days’ notice by mail or other suitable means of communication shall be sufficient. 8. All congregational meetings shall be under the supervision of the session, either directly leading the meeting or overseeing the election of congregational officers to lead the meeting. The congregational meetings shall be governed according to the common rules as applied in ecclesiastical assemblies. The clerk of session or a congregational secretary shall record all proceedings in the minutes. Unless otherwise specified in the charter, one-fourth of the active resident communicant membership shall constitute a quorum for the transac- tion of ordinary business, but no business vitally affecting the welfare of the congregation should be transacted without the presence of at least one-half the active resident communicant membership. Meetings for the election of a teaching elder, ruling elders or deacons shall be under the supervision of the session in constituted court and presided over by its moderator. 9. A congregation becomes disorganized when the session is reduced to less than two resident elders. Two elders will suffice to hold the organization. The presbytery may enable the congregation to continue its existence by appointing an elder(s) from a neighboring congregation to act with the remaining resident elder as a provisional session until such time as a new elder(s) may be elected. 【D-5】 An alternative procedure is to reduce the congregation to a preaching station under the immediate supervision of presbytery. 10. Two congregations may agree to unite by a two-thirds majority vote in each congregation and with the sanction of presbytery. The plan of union shall provide for adjustment of the pastorates, of the sessions and boards of deacons, and of other congregational organizations. This plan shall be adopted by each congregation before being made effective by presbytery. 11. The congregation, or its boards, holds the property of the congregation in trust for the Synod and cannot divert it from the use to which it was originally intended. The property is in law a trust which the civil courts will protect. If a congregation wishes to change the location of its place of worship, it shall first secure the approval of presbytery both as to removal and as to the new location. A particular congregation shall not sell or mortgage property without the written permission of the presbytery transmitted through the session of the congregation. When a presbytery determines that a congregation is disorga- nized, title to all properties held by or for the congregation shall immediately be transferred to Synod’s Board of Trustees who shall determine with the counsel of the appropriate presbytery the disposition of such properties and/ or proceeds of the same. Distribution of assets or expenditures beyond the normal course of operation may not be made in anticipation of disorganiza- tion without prior approval of the presbytery and the Trustees of Synod. (For policies and procedures, see 1972 Minutes of Synod, pages 13, 150-152.) CHAPTER 3 The Officers of the Church The Scriptures indicate no separation of office as regards the ruling and teach- ing that is to be carried on in Christ’s church. According to their qualifications and circumstances elders will exhibit gifts that enable them to discern and meet the needs of the flock through oversight (ruling) and exhortation. Among them will be those more qualified to engage in the study and public proclamation of the Scriptures. This distinction of function warrants the continuance of the popular titles of “ruling elder” and “teaching elder” when understood as stated above. The office of deacon was given by the Holy Spirit to the New Testament church to assist the church in the fulfillment of its ministry. I. ELDERS: RULING ELDERS A. Qualifications Those eligible to be called as ruling elders must: 1. Be male communicant members in good standing of the Reformed Pres- byterian Church. D-6 2. Evidence the standards of character and conduct consistent with those set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-7; in Titus 1:5-9; and 1 Peter 5:1-3.
3. Be knowledgeable and committed to the subordinate doctrinal standards of the denomination as being consistent with the Scriptures. B. Duties The duties of ruling elders include:
C. Privileges The privileges of ruling elders include:
D-7 a. Occasional ministry of the Word in the congregation at the request of the session or at the request of another court.
b. Occasional ministry of the Word within the denomination where spe- cifically requested by another court. c. Occasional pronouncing of God’s benediction upon His people. 5. A ruling elder may qualify for more regular occasional preaching of the Word and pronouncing the benediction at the appointment of his session or another court of the church by satisfying the presbytery of his readiness for this ministry by being examined in personal godliness, Bible Knowledge, sys- tematic theology, and the preaching of an expository sermon. (See Eligibility to Preach, IIc2e). 6. Under extraordinary circumstances, to administer the sacraments when specifically appointed to do so on a given occasion by the presbytery. 7. Appointment, in special circumstances by presbytery, to serve as a provi- sional elder of another session. D. Procedure for Election 1. Authorization An election of ruling elders may be authorized as follows: a. The initiative for an election of elders must include one or more of the following: (1) An appeal from the congregation to the session to increase the number of elders. (2) A judgment of the session that there are qualified men in the con- gregation and that an increase in the number of elders is needed. (3) A directive by presbytery for a session to hold an election under extraordinary circumstances. b. An election for elders is to be conducted by the session at a specially called meeting of the congregation. 2. Calling a Meeting The procedure to call a meeting will be: a. The session shall issue an edict setting the date, time and place for an election. b. Eight days’ notice of the meeting shall be given publicly to the con- gregation by reading of the edict at the worship services on the two preceding Lord’s Days. c. If the congregation has no public meeting, ten days’ notice by mail or phone to all members who can be reached shall be sufficient. D-8 3. Order of Meeting
The order of the meeting shall be as follows: a. The congregation having been called together for the election, the session shall be constituted by the moderator or presbytery’s appointee. b. The session shall have a complete list of all communicant members of the congregation in good standing from which a quorum is to be deter- mined (one-half of the active communicant resident members). A quorum is necessary for each ballot. c. Inquiry by the moderator if the congregation still desires to proceed with the election. d. The final reading of the edict. e. Worship, with a sermon, shall be conducted under the direction of the session. f. The election shall be conducted. g. The court shall be adjourned with prayer. 4. Balloting The election shall be conducted as follows: a. The session may indicate their judgment as to the number of positions to be filled by the election. Such judgment shall be based on the needs of the congregation and the evidence of spiritual maturity of potential candidates. b. Session may submit a list of nominations. c. If the session has indicated its desire for a certain number of elders, its list of nominees shall not contain less than that number. d. Nominations may also be made by a communicant member of the congregation present. e. The election may also proceed without nominations. f. Even when nominations have been made, votes may be cast for any qualified candidate. g. Voting shall be by ballot with the session taking due precaution to ensure the integrity of the vote. h. When the number to be elected is determined, the number of names per ballot is not to exceed the announced number to be elected. i. Communicant members unable to attend the meeting may send their votes in writing (also known as absentee votes), enclosed in sealed enve- lopes which bear their names and are addressed to the session. Absentee votes are valid only on the first electing ballot. j. The use of a nominating ballot is not encouraged; if it is used, absentee votes are valid only on the first electing ballot. Absentee votes will not be used on a nominating ballot. k. Only those receiving at least two-thirds of the votes cast shall be de- clared elders-elect. Blank ballots shall not be counted in determining the total number of votes cast. A ballot marked “No,” indicating that the person desires not to vote for any candidate, should be counted in determining the total number of votes cast. l. If a two-thirds vote has not been reached after three ballots, the mod- erator, in consultation with the session, may postpone the election. D-9 m. Two tellers shall be appointed by the moderator to collect the ballots and tabulate the results of the election and report to the moderator.
E. Procedure for Examination, Ordination and Installation 1. Examination The examination of an elder-elect shall proceed as follows: a. The elder-elect shall notify the session, preferably within two weeks, regarding his intention to accept or decline the call of the congregation. b. If the elder-elect indicates his desire to accept the call, the session shall meet in constituted court to examine him with respect to his qualifications as stated above in section I.A. c. The elder-elect shall be examined in his soundness in the faith and commitment to the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. d. If the session shall judge any elder-elect unfit for the office, it shall not proceed with his ordination and/or installation. e. Ordination will not be required if: (1) An elder-elect holds ordination in the denomination as an elder. (2) An elder-elect is certified as having been ordained to an equivalent office in another true branch of the visible church and has met our denominational conditions to be a ruling elder. f. Public ordination and/or installation to the session will be required of all elders-elect who have declared their desire to serve and have been examined and approved by the session. 2. Authorization The session shall authorize the ordination and/or installation in the following manner: a. The session shall set the time, date and place for the ordination and installation of qualified elders-elect. (Any objections by the congregation shall be presented to the session in writing prior to the called meeting. Session shall act on the objection prior to the called meeting.) b. Notice of the date, time, location, and names of the elder(s)-elect shall be given by the installing session to all sessions within the presbytery. 3. Calling a Meeting To call a meeting for ordination and/or installation: a. An edict shall be prepared by the session. b. The edict shall be read eight days prior to the congregational meeting at the worship services on the two preceding Lord’s Days. c. If the congregation has no public meeting, ten days’ notice by mail or phone to all members who can be reached shall be sufficient. 4. Order of Meeting The order of the meeting shall be as follows: a. The session shall be constituted by the moderator or presbytery’s appointee, and the privileges of the floor shall be extended to all elders of the denomination present. D-10 b. A quorum of one-half of the active resident communicant membership shall be confirmed.
c. The edict shall be read for the final time. d. Worship, with a sermon, shall be conducted under the direction of the session. e. An appointed elder shall narrate the previous steps leading up to the ordination and/or installation. f. An appointed elder shall ask the appropriate Queries for Ordination of the candidates and elicit an affirmative response. g. Candidates shall publicly sign the Queries for Ordination. h. In the case of ordination and installation the candidate shall kneel for prayer and all elders present shall be invited to join in the laying on of hands. i. In the case of installation only an installation prayer shall be offered. j. An elder shall offer the prayer of ordination and/or installation in the name and by the authority of Jesus Christ. k. The elders shall extend the right hand of fellowship receiving the newly installed elder(s). l. Special charges to the newly installed elder(s) and to the congregation should be given at the discretion of the session. m. The session shall adjourn and close the meeting with prayer and the benediction. n. Opportunity shall be given to the congregation and friends to greet the newly installed elder(s). 5. Cessation of Service on a Session A ruling elder’s service may cease under the following circumstances: a. An elder may request the session to accept his resignation from ses- sional responsibilities within the congregation. Conferring the title of ‘emeritus’ in cases of long, faithful service should be considered. b. An elder whose resignation has been accepted must be re-elected in order to serve again in that office. c. An elder no longer serving regularly on the session to which he was installed for reasons of distance, health, or other justifiable reasons may be relieved of his duties; his session shall move with care to relieve him of the official exercise of his office and declare his status to be inactive (i.e. non-voting). In cases of suspension, see Book of Discipline. d. An elder or his session may arrange for a sabbatical leave of absence, normally up to one year, during which time he shall be on inactive status. e. A congregation may arrange for rotation of elders, subject to the ap- proval of its session and presbytery. f. An elder granted an inactive status may be reinstated to active service at the discretion of the session. g. An elder ceases to serve on a session when he has moved his com- municant membership into the jurisdiction of another session. D-11 6. Removal from Office A ruling elder may be removed from office. The following principles shall apply to this procedure: a. An elder can be divested of his ordination only by deposition at the hands of his session or presbytery. b. The session shall notify the presbytery whenever it intends to initiate deposition procedures by forwarding a copy of the charges. c. In extraordinary cases the presbytery may also originate jurisdiction if it concludes that a particular session has been unable to exercise proper discipline over the elder in question. d. No elder shall be suspended or deposed except after a fair trial. e. Procedure for judicial process is set forth in the Book of Discipline. 7. Cessation of Ordination The continuing privileges and responsibilities of ordination would cease if: a. An elder is deposed from his ordination by judicial action of a church court. b. An elder’s request that his ordination be terminated is granted by a church court after careful consideration. II. ELDERS: TEACHING ELDERS The official proclamation of the Word and administration of the sacraments in the congregation shall be entrusted in ordinary circumstances to the one who has been trained to exercise his teaching gifts. Those displaying the gift for the teaching ministry shall be encouraged to undertake sufficient academic prepa- ration and present themselves for public examination by presbytery in order to devote themselves to live in obedience to Christ and His Word in full-time ministerial service with all the privileges and duties this involves. The elder who publicly teaches exercises a broader responsibility but has no higher authority than any other elder. While all the elders have pastoral responsibilities, common practice warrants the use of the title “pastor” for those who are called as teaching elders of congregations. Congregations whose size and/or work require additional teaching elders (associate pastors) will follow the same procedure. In the case of the departure of a pastor from a congregation having more than one pastor, there is no requirement for an existing associate pastor to receive a new call in order for his role to be changed. Presbytery has already established him as a teaching elder in the congregation. For the sake of clarity and peace, a two-thirds majority vote of the congregation is required for any existing pastor of the congregation to assume the role of the departing pastor. There is then no need to declare the pulpit vacant. It is prudent that the Ses- sion carefully lead a congregation in these matters for unity’s sake. All teaching elders serving whose active duty is in the Armed Forces of Canada or the United States Chaplain Corps and who have been approved by presbytery shall be considered as missionaries employed by their presbyteries D-12 presbyteries shall have oversight and require reports of their activities. (See 1985 Minutes of Synod, page 91).
A. Qualifications Along with those qualifications specified in Section I.A., those eligible to be called as teaching elders must display the Spirit’s call and gifts to study diligently and proclaim publicly the Word of God (1 Timothy 5:17). B. Duties Along with duties specified in Section I.B., the duties of a teaching elder include:
C. Preparation 1. Initial Steps To become a teaching elder the following steps must be taken: a. He must present himself to his session as one desiring to prepare himself to become a teaching elder. b. If the session supports his intentions they shall request presbytery to take him under care. c. In ordinary cases he shall complete a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent before undertaking specific theological education. d. Upon completion of his collegiate degree or its equivalent and his reception by presbytery as a student of theology, he shall be expected to complete the course of seminary instruction required by his presbytery leading to a Master of Divinity or its equivalent. e. Under ordinary circumstances he shall be expected to attend at least one full year in a Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. f. At the end of his first year he shall give evidence to his presbytery that he will continue training to become a teaching elder. (A sermon may be requested of him by his presbytery at this point.) g. After favorable evaluation of the evidence presented by the student under care and reception of a favorable report from the seminary, he shall be certified by presbytery to further his seminary training. D-13 h. The student may be invited to preach only under the direct supervi- sion of a session until he is certified as being eligible to preach.
i. Licensure by presbytery shall consist of two steps: Eligibility to Preach and Eligibility for a Call. 2. Eligibility to Preach (First Step for Licensure) To become eligible to preach a student shall follow this procedure: a. A student shall become eligible for certification to preach any time after his first year. b. The student shall request the seminary to forward to his presbytery an evaluation of his qualifications for ministry and statement of his academic standing. c. The candidate shall be examined by his presbytery in constituted court in the following areas: (1) Personal godliness (2) Bible Knowledge (3) Systematic Theology and Distinctive Principles (4) The preaching of an expository sermon (5) The presentation of a paper on church history (Presbytery is responsible to make these assignments which may correspond to assignments fulfilled in seminary.) d. Following each area of examination, delegates may make comments and/or state reasons when appropriate for the way he will vote. Com- ments are to be considered individual reflections or judgments, not the settled conclusions of the court. A roll call vote should be taken. e. Ifthediscourseandexaminationsaresustainedbyatwo-thirdsvote,an appointed elder shall ask the appropriate Queries for Certification to Preach. f. Presbytery should vote by roll call when deemed appropriate whether to certify him a Candidate to Preach. g. If the candidate is approved by a two-thirds vote he shall sign the appropriate Queries for Certification. h. An appointed elder shall offer prayer officially certifying the candidate in the name of Christ, the King and Head of the Church. i. An appointed elder shall address the candidate with words of counsel as to his duties and the limitations which are as follows: (1) He may not administer the sacraments. (2) He may not perform marriages. (3) He may not pronounce the benediction. j. Presbytery shall adjourn the meeting with prayer and benediction. k. The candidate shall be given a certificate of eligibility to preach. l. He remains under the care of his presbytery and the jurisdiction of his session. m. Certification ordinarily shall be for a term of five years and may be renewed at the discretion of presbytery. 3. Eligibility for a Call (Final Step for Licensure) To become eligible for a call a student shall follow this procedure: D-14 a. A student shall be eligible for certification to receive a call at the end of his second year.
b. The student shall request of the seminary to forward to his presbytery an evaluation of his qualifications for ministry and a statement of his academic standing. c. The candidate shall be examined by his presbytery in constituted ses- sion in the following areas: (1) Evidence of pastoral and evangelistic gifts (2) Systematic Theology and Distinctive Principles (3) Church History (4) The preaching of an expository sermon on an assigned topic 5) The presentation of an exegesis paper (Presbytery is responsible to make these assignments which may correspond to assignments fulfilled in seminary.) d. Following each area of examination, delegates may make comments and/or state reasons when appropriate for the way he will vote. Com- ments are to be considered individual reflections or judgments, not the settled conclusions of the court. A roll call vote should be taken. e. If the discourse and examinations are sustained by a two-thirds vote, an appointed elder shall ask the appropriate Queries for Certification to Receive a Call. f. Presbytery should vote by roll call when deemed appropriate whether to certify him a Candidate to Receive a Call. This certification must be made by a two-thirds vote. g. If the candidate is approved by a two-thirds vote he shall sign the appropriate queries. h. An appointed elder shall offerprayer officially certifying the candidate as being eligible for a call in the name of Christ, the King and Head of the Church. i. An appointed elder shall address the candidate with words of counsel as to his duties and the limitations which are as follows: (1) He may not administer the sacraments. (2) He may not perform marriages. (3) He may not pronounce the benediction. j. Presbytery shall adjourn the meeting with prayer and benediction. k. The candidate shallbe given a Certificate of Licensure. l. He remains under the care of his presbytery and the jurisdiction of his session. m. Certification ordinarily shall be for a term of five years and may be renewed at the discretion of presbytery. D. Procedure for Election 1. Authorization The election of a teaching elder may be authorized as follows: a. The initiative for an election of a teaching elder must include one or more of the following: D-15 |
這份名錄的目的是提供北美改革宗長老會的定義和程序,以實施有關教會及其治理性質的教義聲明,正如《威斯敏斯特信仰告白》和北美改革宗長老會的見證中所述的那樣。 就本指南而言,「基本法」是指《威斯敏斯特信條》和《教義問答》以及改革宗長老會證言。 「教會的法律與秩序」是指《教會管理指南》、《紀律手冊》和《敬拜指南》以及主教會議的行為。 本規範中所規定的這些定義和程序將作為宣告教會法律和秩序的官方聲明而被接收。 任何特定會議均可透過三分之二多數票對名錄進行修訂。 然而,如果大會認為其面前的項目應在會議上審議和討論,則可以通過簡單多數票決定使用提議修正案的程序; 然而,任何此類修正案都必須得到大會三分之二的投票通過,然後才能提交給堂會。 《紀律手冊》和《公共禮拜指南》應遵循相同的修訂程序。 第1章 領餐會員資格 1、每一個能夠作出道德判斷,並自己能作決定的人,經過確實可 靠的信仰表白、受過洗禮以及接受教會領餐會員誓約之後,改革宗長 老會都可以接納他為領餐會員。領餐會員有責任讓兒女受洗,並且有 義務盡一切的能力,教養兒女好使他們將來也在教會中,成為具備領 餐資格的會員。 【D-1】 2、在一個以常規組織的堂會中,接納信徒成為會員的職權單單屬 於堂議會。在某些特殊情況下,例如組成新堂會,接納會員的職權可 以由區會負責,或者區會也可以將之託付給一個臨時治理機構。在國 外宣教的初期,常規的堂會尚未成立之前,宣教士在這方面可以行使 一些特殊的職權。
3.應在堂議會的監督下,為受過洗的孩子和將要成為會員的信 徒開設課程,將教會所持守的真理原則教導他們,好預備他們成為領餐會員。 4、領餐會員候備人選,應由堂議會組成的議會審查考核。考核的方式和內容應盡量顯出候備人選對真理認識的深度、內心對罪的恨惡、對救贖需要的迫切以及他對教會領餐會員誓約的認識和接受的意願(包括教會領餐會員誓約中改革宗長老教會獨有的原則)。一個候備 人選蒙接納所需具備的知識,在相當程度上,取決於候選人的能力以 及他以前學習這些知識的機會。我們應該鼓勵孩子們背誦小要理問 答,當他們逐漸長大到了能充分理解的年齡,要敦促他們閱讀和學習 領餐會員誓約、改革宗長老會信仰宣言和威斯敏斯德信條。對神的救 贖一無所知的人、沒有絲毫外在可見的證據顯示出是已經重生的人、 對教會已經設定的準則採取對抗態度的人,都不得接納為領餐會員。 5.當候備人選同意了教會領餐會員誓約、也通過了審查考核,如 果他們已經受洗,就應當宣告他們具備了領餐的資格,並且簽署教會 領餐會員誓約。在為他們代禱之後,堂會的成員要行右手相交之禮接 納他們。 6、在無法確認候備人選是否在總會認定的真教會(參見威斯敏斯 德信條和改革宗長老會信仰宣言第 25 章)中已經接受洗禮的情況下, 應當為他施洗。 7.對新會員應公開接納,接納的方式可以讓他們站在會眾前公 開表示對教會領餐會員誓約的認同。在新會員加入教會為會員的程序 中,可以邀請堂會成員一同參與。在參與的程序中,要問堂會成員: 「弟兄姊妹們,對這些已經公開表明自己信仰基督、也為教會接納的人,你們是否願意接納他們並與他們交通?並且你們是否願意幫助、 鼓勵他們過基督徒生活?」堂會成員應應聲回答:「我們願意」。 之後可以給新會員一些勸勉的話,並為他們代禱。 【D-2】 8.會員應該樂意奉獻他們的才能和恩賜服事基督。當蒙召承擔教 會中的職分時,他們應當以禱告的心來考慮是否應召。 9.只要是改革宗長老教會的會員,不論來自哪個堂會、哪個國家, 只要提出其堂議會的證明書,任何堂會都當接納成為領餐會員。來自其它系統的人若要申請具備領聖餐的資格,堂議會需要審查、證實申 請人的信仰,是否符合歷史上基督信仰的基要真理,並且也接受教會 領餐會員誓約。證明書自簽發之日只在一年內有效,除非可以提出延 遲出示證明書的理由。若證明書中列有懲戒的記錄和原因等異常情 況,申請人就要給堂議會充分滿意的說明才能予以接納。 10、儘管疏忽教會條令是一個教會紀律問題,但如果會員已有一年時間未能參加教會崇拜,也沒有奉獻,也不能給出其它證據顯示對教會的關心,並且也無法聯繫到,就可以將其從領餐會員名冊上除名。堂議會要盡可能正式將這項決議告知他本人。如果他提出可信的 證據,證明他仍然對教會領餐會員誓約忠誠,可以恢復領餐會員的身 份。 11、本系統教會的會員,從一個堂會轉移到另一堂會時,應按其 請求給予會員轉移證明書。同時也應該通知他想要轉移到的堂會的堂 議會。一個要放棄改革宗長老教會會員身分的人,也應給予其轉會證明 書,包括他在堂議會記錄中的相關資料。 12.如果會員沒有經過常規的解除程序就成了另一系統的成員, 堂議會必須記錄此事,並將他從會員名冊上除名。如果有對他懸而未決的指控,也可以對這些指控追究。 13.本系統教會的會員轉移會籍時,在轉入堂會的堂議會審查期間,其管轄權仍隸屬原堂議會,直等到會籍為轉入堂會的堂議會接納為止;在此期間他沒有權利投票,也不得擔任職分。轉會證明書一旦 開出立即生效。如果一個堂議會為某會員出具的轉會證明書被退還 了,此人就恢復了在原堂會中的會員身份,他先前所擔任的職分並不 恢復。然而,他可以經過重新選舉,再次擔任同樣的職分。 【D-3】 14. 區會可設立臨時會員名冊。 這樣的名冊可以用於「宣教教會」 (mission church),或是以授權「臨時管理團」(TGB)接納此名冊上的成員; 也可以在教會被解組(disorganized) 時使用它,被視為臨時名冊。 在被解組的情況下,那些被列入區會名冊的人,應該在一年內成為另一個教會的成員。 應努力留住改革宗長老教會的成員。 第2章 堂會 The Congregation 1.堂會是建立在改革宗長老教會準則的基礎上,並遵從本系統的教 會法。一個健全組成的堂會包含一群會員、由眾長老組成負責監 督堂會的堂議會,以及一個負責憐憫和管家事工的執事會。教導長老 (牧師)是堂會的成員,他所服事的資格證書由區會頒發。區會的責任 是盡心關懷各堂會,確保在其照顧下每一個堂會的堂議會和執事會都 能妥當地選舉、按立並建立起來。所有按立的人員都必須透過堂會的 投票選舉產生,每一位領餐會員在這些選舉中的投票權一律平等。 2.教會中領餐會員的子女,基於與神的聖約關係,應當接受嬰孩 洗禮、受牧師的關懷和教導。他們受洗後是教會的受洗會員,但不得 領受聖餐。領受聖餐需要他們達到有理解力的年齡,能夠自願地公開 表明在基督裡的信仰,並能夠自己認同領餐會員誓約的內容並承擔相 應的責任。受洗會員在堂會會議中沒有投票權。 3.固定參與服事、崇拜和奉獻,但卻不是堂會會員的信徒,稱之 為經常聚會的信徒。他們在堂會會議中沒有投票權。 4、有些地方的法律規定,堂會必須成立董事會,由董事會負責管 理教會的產權,並在法律事務上代表堂會。這種董事會必須由堂會的 全體會員選舉產生。董事會成員除了承擔法律規定的事務之外,沒有 任何其它責任。為了增進處理事務的效率,董事會的成員和職員也可 以是執事會的成員,或從執事會中選出。 【D-4】 5.堂議會應對堂會中所屬的團體全面監督和審查。這些所屬團 體包括基於聖經的主日學、週間聚會、宣教團、青年團契以及其它的 團契。為拓展教會的服事、促進教會原則的實施和實踐,如有必要, 也可以設立其它團契。 6.居住在區會管轄範圍內的人,無論人數多寡,都可以向區會請 願,申請組成一個堂會。區會對請願應給予重視,對可能因此而受到 影響的堂會,區會也該給予表達意見的機會。若組成堂會的請願獲準,區會要通知請願者,並指定時間和地點進行組成工作。 7.在指定的時間和地點,應由長老主持開堂禮拜。禮拜以禱告開 始,然後舉行崇拜,崇拜中應含講道。開堂禮拜之後應確定經由考 核查證而被接納為會員的人數,這些人包含從其它堂會轉入的人,或/ 和區會因組成新堂會而建的臨時會員名冊上的人。想要在共同信仰基 基上聯合的人,以及可以出示由真教會出具轉入證明書的人,在考核 查證之後,可以接納為新堂會領餐會員。被接納者的孩子如果受過 洗,應列在受洗會員的名冊上。 8.名冊確定之後,當由一位長老宣讀領餐會員誓約,所有新堂會領餐會友應起立聆聽並表示同意,並表示同意下述誓約:「你願不願意莊嚴地與神立約,並且彼此立約,在改革宗長老會憲章的基礎上所組成的堂會裡,與弟兄合一地共同生活,在主裡順服管轄你的議會? 並且以聖潔的生活,追求教會整體的純潔、和平和興旺?」新堂會的領餐會員應簽署領餐會員約。長老應奉教會的君王和元首主耶穌基 督的名禱告,奉祂的權柄建立這個堂會。然後主席宣布這個堂會正式成立。 9.在同一次聚會中,此堂會應在區會的監督下,繼續進行長老和 執事的選舉(儘管執事在組建新堂會時不是必須設立的)。如果法律 規定要有董事會,董事的選舉也可一併舉行。區會要對這些長老、執 事和董事的評鑑、按立和就職妥善安排。在例外的情況下,會前公告 的宣讀可以取消,選出來的人可以立即考核、按立和就職。長老、執 事和董事選出之後,在按立和就職之前,可以暫時由區會指派的執委 會擔任職務。所有程序事項都要記錄在區會和堂議會的會議記錄上。 【D-5】 另一個方法是將教會退減到在區會直接監督下的「講道站」(preaching station)。
10. 兩個教會可以在教會的批准下,以各自教會的三分之二多數同意下被合併。 合併計劃應規定牧師、執事會和堂會以及其他教會組織的調整。 該計劃應由各會眾通過,然後由區會生效。 11. 會眾或其董事會將會眾的財產代為主教會議託管,不得將其挪作他用。 該財產在法律上是民事法院將保護的信託。 如果會眾希望改變其敬拜場所的地點,則應先獲得區會關於搬遷和新地點的批准。 未經區會透過會眾會議傳達的書面許可,特定會眾不得出售或抵押財產。 當區會確定會眾解散時,為該會眾持有的所有財產的所有權,應立即轉移給主教會議的董事會,董事會應與適當的區會的顧問一起決定如何處置這些財產和/或收益。 未經區會和總會受託人事先批准,不得因預期組織解散而進行超出正常運作過程的資產或支出分配。 (有關政策和程序,請參閱 1972 年會議紀要,第 13、150-152 頁。) 第3章 教會職分 聖經並沒有在基督的教會中,將長老的職分區分為治理和教導兩 種。由於資質和處境的原因,長老們的不同恩賜會顯明出來,使他們 透過監督(治理)和勸誡,看顧並滿足羊群的需要。在長老中間,會 顯出適合解經和講道的人。基於上述的理解,因此這種功能的區分, 以及「治理長老」和「教導長老」通俗稱呼的使用,均為合宜。執事 是聖靈給新約教會的職分,為要幫助教會完成她的使命。 I. 長老:治理長老 A. 條件 被呼召的治理長老必須具備下列條件: 1、必須是男性領餐會員,其會員資格在改革宗長老會中確認無疑。 2.表現的品格與行為,符合提前 3:1-7、多 1:5-9、彼前 5:1-3 中 所列的標準。 3.對本會凡符合聖經的次級教義規範(改革宗長老會憲章),有充足的知識並全心認同。 【D-6】 B、本分 治理長老的本分包括: 1. 在堂會中積極熱心地牧養關懷。 2. 正常地出席並參與堂議會。 3. 參與並監督堂會的教導事工。 4. 參與並且監督聖禮的執行。 5. 訓練全體堂會會員成為成熟的門徒。 6. 服事犯錯和失喪的人。 7.探訪患病和貧困缺乏的人。 8.對增進基督教會整體利益的事業獻身。 9.正常參加教會上一級的議會。 10.定期與執事會會面,共同評估他們各方面的事工,並幫助這些事工的發展。 C、職權 治理長老的職權包括: 1.主持教會會議。 2.為堂議會的常任委員。 3.在上一級議會中,有投票權。 4.堂議會或區會認為他為人聖潔、也具備足夠的神學、聖經和教會歷史等方面的知識時,就可以承擔下列任務: a. 在本堂議會或另一堂議會的請求之下,在其所在堂 會偶爾講道。 b. 在另一個議會特別請求下,在本系統內偶爾講道。 c. 偶爾對神的子民宣告神的祝福。 5.經區會審查之後,認為治理長老為人聖潔,並對母語聖經、系統神學、解經式講道已準備就緒,經該堂議會或另一議會任命後,該長老就具備資格,可以較經常性講道與祝福。 (參見講道條件,二 C2e) 6.在非同尋常的情況下,經區會明確任命,可以在特定場合,執行聖 禮。 7.在特殊情況下,可由區會任命,擔任另一個堂議會的臨時長老。 【D-7】 D. 選舉程序 1、批准 治理長老的選舉可以由下列方式獲準: a. 長老選舉的發起必須符合下列一項或一項以上的條件: (1)堂會向堂議會請求增加長老數目。 (2)堂議會認為有適合人選,教會有需要增加長老人數。 (3)在特殊情況下,區會要求堂議會舉行長老的選舉。 b. 長老的選舉,需由堂議會召開全體會員的特別會議。 2、會議的召集 召集會議的程序如下: a. 堂議會應正式公佈選舉的日期、時間和地點。 b. 選舉公告,需在選舉日期前兩個主日的崇拜中,正式公開宣 讀,也就是在選舉日期八天之前通知全體堂會會員。 c. 若該堂會沒有公共聚會,必須在會期十天前透過郵件或電 話通知所有可聯絡的會員。 【D-8】 3. 會議程序 會議程序應如下: a. 堂會會員已聚集好參加選舉會議時,堂議會主席或區會任命的 人應主持開始選舉會議。 b. 堂議會應提供一份該堂會中領餐會員的完整名單,好從這些人 中確定開會的法定人數(經常聚會,住在本地,領餐會員人數的 一半)。每一次投票表決,都必須達到法定人數。 c. 主席詢問會眾,是否仍願繼續進行選舉。 d. 最後一次宣讀會議公告。 e. 應在堂議會的指導下舉行崇拜,崇拜中應含講道。 f. 進行選舉。 g. 會議以禱告結束。 4. 投票表決 選舉應按下列程序進行: a. 所需要填補長老的數目,可以由堂議會決定。填補人數應依 堂會的需要和候選人靈性成熟的程度。 b. 堂議會可以提交一份候選人名單。 c. 如果堂議會已經提出了想要填補的長老數目,候選人的數目則 不可少於這個數目。 d. 出席會議的領餐會員,也可以提名候選人。 e. 選舉也可以在沒有候選人的情況下進行。 f. 即使有了候選人,票也可以投給任何其他合格的人。 g. 選舉要以選票進行,堂議會應採取預防措施,以確保投票的公正誠信。 h. 當要選出的長老數目確定之後,每一張選票上所填寫的名字數目,不可超過要選出的長老數目。 i. 若領餐會員無法出席會議,可以書面遞交選票,裝在密 封的信封中,信封上寫上自己的名字,並寄給堂議會。 j. 不鼓勵在選票上列出候選人;如果使用了,缺席者的選票只在第一次計票中有效。 K. 要當選長老,需有三分之二多數票贊成。計算選票的總數時,空白選票不計。寫著「無」字樣的選票,表示投票人不願意選任何 一位候選人,這樣的選票在計算選票總數時,應計入。 l. 若經過三次投票,沒有人獲得三分之二多數票贊同,堂議會 主席經與堂議會磋商後,可以延後選舉。 m. 主席要指定兩位計票 員,收集選票,表列選舉結果,並向主席報告計票結果。 【D-9】 E. 考試、按立和就職的程序 Procedure for Examination, Ordination and Installation 1. 考試 Examination 對長老當選人應依下列程序審核: a. 長老當選人,應向堂議會正式表達自己的意向,是否接受堂會 的呼召,此通知應在選舉後兩週以內完成。 b.若長老當選人願意接受呼召,堂議會應與當選人在正式堂議 會中會面,審核當選人是否符合條件(參見治理長老條件,一 A)。 c. 應審核當選人是否在信仰上堅定,是否對改革宗長老會信仰宣 言堅定信守致力維護。 d.若堂議會判定長老當選人不適合任此職分,則不得按立及就任。 e. 在下列情況下,不需要按立: (1)長老當選人已在本系統按立過長老。 (2)長老當選人經證實已在有形教會中信仰純正的其它系統被按立過同等職分,且符合本系統治理長老的條件。 f. 所有長老當選人宣布願意服事,並經堂議會審查、批准後,都必須公開的按立和就職於堂議會。 2. 批准 Authorization 堂議會批准按立和就職的方式如下: a. 審核合格的長老當選人,其按立就職的時間、地點應由堂議會決定。 (堂會會員若有異議,應在會議召開前,以書面形式遞交堂議會。堂議會應在會議召開前回應異議。 ) b. 日期、時間、地點、長老當選人的名單,應由負責按立的堂議會通知區會中所有的堂議會。 3. 會議的召集 按立和就職會議的召集: a. 堂議會應擬定一份公告。 b. 該公告要在本會議舉行八天之前,也就是在會議前兩個主日崇 拜中,公開宣讀。 c.若該堂會沒有公共聚會,必須在會期十天前透過郵件或電 話通知所有可聯絡的會員。 4. 會議程序 會議程序如下: a. 會議應由堂議會主席或區會所指定的人主持,參加會議的本系 統所有長老都有發言權。 b. 與會人數需達到法定人數:即經常聚會,住在本地,領餐會員 的半數。 c. 應最後宣讀一遍公告。 d. 應在堂議會的指導下舉行崇拜,崇拜中應包含講道。 e. 應由指定的長老,將按立和就職前的步驟過程陳述一遍。
f. 應由指定的長老,向接受按立的候選人,提出誓約問答,候選 人應肯定回答。 g. 候選人應在誓約上公開簽名。 h. 如果是按立並就職,候選人應跪下禱告,所有出席的長老都應 受邀參與按手儀式。 i. 如果是就職,就僅作就職禱告。 j. 應由一位長老奉耶穌基督的名並靠祂的權柄,作按立和/或就職 禱告。 k.眾長老行右手交會之禮接納就職的長老。 l.經堂議會的斟酌,可以向就職的長老和堂會會員囑咐特殊的責 任。 m. 堂議會應以禱告和祝福結束聚會。 n. 讓堂會會員和朋友有機會,歡迎問候就職的長老。 5. 在堂議會中服事中止 治理長老的服事,可以在下列情況下中止: a.長老可以向堂議會請求辭職,中止在堂議會的職責。若請 長老長期忠誠服事,應考慮授予「榮休長老」的稱號。 b. 辭職獲準的長老,如要再次任職服事,必須重新選舉。 c. 長老如因居住距離、健康或其它正當理由無法正常地在任職的 堂議會中服事,可以暫時中止其職責。堂議會暫時中止長老職責 時需謹慎進行,並宣告他的身分為非執行職務狀態(例如:無投 票權)。非執行職務狀態與停職不同,停職的情況請參考教會紀律 章程。 d. 長老或長老所屬的堂議會可以安排長老安息離職,安息離職通 常不超過一年,在此期間為非執行職務狀態。 e. 如獲堂議會和區會的批准,堂會可以安排長老輪流。 f. 非執行職務狀態的長老,在堂議會同意後可以恢復職權,進入 全面服事。 g. 當長老將領餐會員的會籍轉移到另一個堂議會管轄之下時,其 在原堂議會的長老身分即告中止。 【D-11】 6. 解除職分 治理長老的職分可以解除。
解除長老職分時應遵行下列原則: a. 治理長老職分的解除,僅能由按立該長老的堂議會或區會行 使。 b. 當堂議會有意解除長老的職分時,必須向區會遞交控訴狀,告 知區會。 c. 在特殊情況下,如果區會斷定堂議會無法或不願對有問題的長 老行使應有的懲戒,區會也可啟動解除長老職分的司法程序。 d. 非經公正的審判,長老的職分不得中止解除。 e. 法庭的程序已詳述於教會紀律章程。 7. 職權的解除。 經按立後的權利與職責在下列情況下得以解除: a. 經教會議事庭審查、判決後,長老所按立的職權得以解除。 b. 長老自行請求解除職權,經教會議事庭慎重考慮並批准之後生 效。 II. 長老:教導長老 ELDERS: TEACHING ELDERS 在一般情況下,教會中正式的聖道宣講和聖禮的施行,應交付給 受過訓練具備教導恩賜的人。對顯出教導恩賜的人,教會應鼓勵其加 緊學術裝備,好將自己交付區會公開考核,以便獻身於順服基督和他 聖道的全時間服事之中,使用職權盡自己的本分。 教導長老有更廣泛的職責,但並不比其他長老有更高的權柄。雖 然所有的長老都具有牧養的職責,但通常情況下教導長老才被稱為 “牧師”。當教會的會眾與工作增多,需要增添教導長老(助理牧 師)時,其程序相同。 如果牧師離開擁有多位牧師的堂會,現有的副牧師不需要接受新的呼召來改變其角色。長老教會已經任命他為會眾的教導長老。為了清楚起見和和平起見,任何現任牧師都需要獲得會眾三分之二多數票才能擔任即將離任的牧師。這樣就沒有必要宣布講壇空置。為了團結起見,長老會謹慎地在這些議題上領導會眾是明智的。 教導長老中,若有些人經區會批准成為美國或加拿大隨軍牧師,應看作是由所屬區會聘用的宣教士,借調給軍隊使用;他們仍由所屬的區會監督, 有義務向所屬區會報告。 (參 1985 年總會會議紀錄第 91 頁) 【D-12】 A. 條件
除了治理長老的條件(參見一,A)外,蒙召作教導長老的人,還 必須顯出聖靈的呼召和恩賜,能勤奮學習,並公開宣講神的聖道。 (提前 5:17) B. 本分 除了治理長老的本分(參見一, B)外,教導長老的本分還包括: 1. 在崇拜中宣講神的聖道。 2. 主持洗禮和聖餐。 3. 主持婚禮和葬禮。 我們非常歡迎退休的教導長老定期參與教會的高等法庭活動,但並非強制要求; 他們的缺席不需要正式的請求。 C. 準備過程 1. 起始步驟 要成為教導長老,必須採取以下步驟: a. 須親自向所屬堂議會表明,渴慕預備自己成為教導長老。 b. 如果堂議會贊成他的意向,堂議會當請求區會照顧他。 c. 通常情況下,在接受具體的神學教育之前,他應當修完學士學位,或同等學力。 d. 修完學士學位或同等學力、並經區會接納為神學生之後,他應完成所屬區會指定的神學課程,取得道學碩士學位或同等學力。 e. 通常情況下,他應在改革宗長老教會神學院中學習最少一年。 f. 在第一學年結束時,他應向所屬區會顯出證據,表明願繼續受訓,以成為一位教導長老。 (這時,區會可以要求他講一次 道。) g. 當這個被區會照管的神學生所顯出的證據,被區會贊同,並且 收到神學院贊成的報告後,區會應出具證明,讓他繼續神學訓 練。 h.在核准可以講道之前,這位神學生只可在堂議會的直接監督之下,應邀講道。 i. 區會核發許可證需經兩個步驟:講道是否合格,蒙召是否合 格。 【D-13】 2. 講道資格(取得執照的第一步)
Eligibility to Preach (First Step for Licensure) 要獲得講道資格,學生應遵循以下程序: a. 學生在第一年後的任何時間都有資格獲得講道認證。 b. 學生應請求神學院向其長老會轉交對其事工資格的評估和其學術地位的證明。 c. 候選人應由其長老會在組成的法庭中接受以下方面的審查: (1) 個人的敬虔 (2) 聖經知識 (3) 系統神學與本系統獨特的原則 (4) 傳講解經講道的信息 (5) 提交一篇關於教會歷史的論文(長老會負責佈置這些作業,這些作業可能與神學院完成的作業相對應。) d. 每項考核之後,議事庭成員可以發表評論,並說明投贊成或反 對票的理由。評論應被視為個人看法或判斷,而非議事庭定論。 投票表決的方式,應一一唱名。 e. 講道和考核若獲三分之二多數票贊成,應指定一位長老,進行 講道資格誓約問答。 f. 長老教會應在認為適當時以唱名方式投票決定是否認可他為傳道候選人。 g. 如果候選人以三分之二的票數獲得批准,他應簽署適當的認證查詢。 h. 被任命的長老應以教會君王和元首基督的名義進行祈禱,正式認證候選人。 i. 獲委任的長老應就其本分和限制向候選人提出忠告,具體如下: (1) 他不得主持聖禮。 (2) 不得主持婚禮。 (3) 他不得宣告祝福。 j. 區會應在祈禱和祝福中休會。 k. 候選人將獲得傳教資格證書。 l. 他仍然受到長老會的照顧和會議的管轄。 m.認證期限通常為五年,並可由長老教會酌情續展。 3. 被呼召的資格(獲得許可的最後一步) Eligibility for a Call (Final Step for Licensure) 要獲得被呼召的資格,學生應遵循以下程序: 【D-14】 a. 神學生在第二學年結束時就具備獲得蒙召資格證書的條件。
b. 神學生應請神學院,將他的資格評鑑和證書寄給區會。 c. 候選人要在下列幾方面,接受區會設置的議事庭的考核: (1) 牧養及講道恩賜的證據 (2) 系統神學與本系統獨特原則 (3) 教會歷史 (4) 就指定主題進行解經式講道 (5) 提交解經式論文(由區會指定這些作業,這些作 業可能與神學院完成的作業相當。) d. 每項的考核之後,議事庭成員可以作出評論,並說明投贊成或反 對票的理由。評論應被視為個人看法或判斷,而非議事庭定論。 投票表決的方式,應一一唱名。 e. 講道及考核若獲三分之二多數票贊成時,應指定一位長老,進行 蒙召資格誓約問答。 f. 區會頒發牧師候選人資格證書時,應投票表決,必要時應一一唱 名投票。這份證書必須有三分之二多數票贊成才能頒發。 g. 如果候選人獲得三分之二票數批准,他應簽署相應的質詢書。 h. 應指定一位長老,當奉教會的君王和元首主耶穌基督的名為受領 蒙召資格證書的候選人禱告。 i. 應指定一位長老,針對候選人的本分及限制,給予勸誡。其限制 如下:具體如下: (1) 他不得主持聖禮。 (2) 不得主持婚禮。 (3) 他不得宣告祝福。 j. 長老教會應在祈禱和祝福中休會。 k. 候選人將獲得執照證書。 l. 他仍在所屬區會的照顧和管轄之下。 m. 證書有效期限通常為五年。可以在區會的同意下延長期限。 D. 選舉程序 1、授權 教導長老的選舉可獲授權如下: a. 教導長老選舉的發起必須符合下列一項或兩項條件: 【D-15】 |
(1) An appeal from the congregation through the session to hold an election or an appeal directly from the session to presbytery. (2) A directive by presbytery for a session to hold an election under extraordinary circumstances. b. An election for a teaching elder is to be conducted by the session at a specially called meeting of the congregation. 2. Calling a Meeting The procedure to call a meeting will be: a. The session shall issue an edict setting the date, time and place for an election. b. Eight days’ notice of the meeting shall be given publicly to the con- gregation, including announcement at the worship services on the two preceding Lord’s Days. c. If the congregation has no public meetings, ten days’ notice by mail or phone to all members who can be reached shall be sufficient. 3. Order of Meeting The order of the meeting shall be as follows: a. The session shall have a complete list of all communicant members of the congregation in good standing from which a quorum is to be deter- mined (one-half of the active resident members). A quorum is necessary for each ballot. b. The final reading of the edict. c. Worship, with a suitable discourse, shall be conducted under the di- rection of the session. d. The session shall be constituted by the moderator or presbytery’s ap- pointee. e. An election shall be conducted. f. The court shall be adjourned with prayer. 4. Balloting The election shall be conducted as follows: a. Candidates shall ordinarily consist of teaching elders in good standing in the Reformed Presbyterian Church and those certified as eligible for a call (Licentiates) in the denomination. b.Teaching elders who are members in goodstanding in denominations with whom we have fraternal relations who have expressed commitment to the position of the Reformed Presbyterian Church and who have been examined by a presbytery in the denomination may be candidates for a call. c. Any ruling elder in good standing in the denomination may be considered a candidate when he demonstrates to his presbytery the educational back- ground and experience necessary to be a teaching elder. (See IIC2c and 3c.) d. Nominations may be offered by the session and/or a communicant member of the congregation present. e. The election may also proceed without nominations. 【D-16】 |
(1)由堂會向堂議會提出請求,舉行選舉,或由堂議會直 接向區會請求。 (2)在特殊情況下,由區會向堂議會下達指示,舉行選 舉。 b. 教導長老的選舉,要由堂議會召集堂會會眾,舉行特別會議, 進行選舉。 2、會議的召集 召集會議的程序如下: a. 堂議會要正式公佈選舉的日期、時間和地點。 b. 選舉公告應在選舉日期之前,兩個主日的崇拜中正式公開宣讀,也就是在選舉日八天之前正式通知全體堂會會員。 c. 若該堂會沒有公共聚會,必須在會期十天前透過郵件或電 話通知所有可聯絡的會員。 3、 會議程序 會議程序如下 a. 堂議會應提供一份該堂會中領餐會員的完整名單,確定資格無誤後,從這些人中確定出法定人數(經常聚會,住在本地,領餐會員人數的一半)。每一次投票表決,均需達到法定人數。 b. 最後再次宣讀選舉公告。 c. 在堂議會的指導下舉行崇拜,崇拜中應包含講道。 d. 會議應在主席或區會指定的人主持下進行。 e. 進行選舉。 f. 會議應以禱告結束。 4.投票表決 選舉應按下列程序進行: a. 候選人中通常應當包含了在本系統中身份確定的教導長老,和本系統中具備蒙召資格(即有牧師候選人資格證書)的人。 b. 兄弟教會的教導長老,其身分確定,並表示願意持守改革宗長老會的信仰立場、也經本會區會考核通過,這樣的教導長老也可以成為蒙召候選人。 c. 本會的治理長老,身分認定無誤,並向所屬區會顯示出他具備教導長老所必需的教育背景和經驗,這樣的治理長老也可成為蒙召候選人。 (參見二 C 2c,3c)。 d. 候選人提名可由堂議會或出席的堂會領餐會員提出。 e. 選舉也可以在沒有候選人的情況下進行。 【D-16】 |
f. Even when nominations have been made, votes may be cast for any qualified candidate. g. Voting shall be by ballot with the session taking due precaution to ensure the integrity of the vote. h. Members unable to attend the meeting may send their votes in writing (also known as absentee votes), enclosed in sealed envelopes which bear their names and are addressed to the session. Absentee votes are valid only on the first electing ballot. i. The use of a nominating ballot is not encouraged; if it is used, absentee votes are valid only on the first electing ballot. Absentee votes will not be used on a nominating ballot. j. Only a candidate receiving at least two-thirds of the votes cast shall be elected. Blank ballots shall not be counted in determining the total number of votes cast. A ballot marked “No,” indicating that the person desires not to vote for any candidate, should be counted in determining the total number of votes cast. k. If a two-thirds majority vote has not been reached after three ballots, the moderator, in consultation with the session, may postpone the election. l. Two tellers shall be appointed by the moderator to collect the ballots and tabulate the results of the election and report to the moderator. m. The moderator shall declare the results of the election. n. An appointed elder shall present the terms of the call (which shall include the financial agreement presented by the board of deacons) for the approval of the congregation. (The session and deacon board shall have previously prepared the terms of the call.) o. Opportunity shall be given the communicant members and adherents of the congregation to sign the call. The moderator shall explain that signing the call indicates one’s willingness to support and work with the teaching elder-elect whether the member voted for him or not. 5. Disposition of a Call The call shall be handled in the following manner: a. Themoderatorshallimmediatelynotifytheteachingelder-electinform- ing him concerning the vote tallies and all other pertinent information that may assist him in reaching a decision. b. The call shall remain in the hands of the session for a period of time up to and including two Lord’s Days so that other communicant members and adherents may sign the call. c. Any communicant member or adherent may request the clerk of the session to add his name to the call, in which case the clerk shall append his own initials to the signature. d. A copy of the call shall be sent to the teaching elder-elect. e. The call shall be forwarded to the presbytery along with a communicant membership roll and the minutes of the meeting. 6. Processing a Call A call shall be processed in the following manner: 【D-17】 |
f. 即使有了候選人,票也可以投給任何其他合格人選。 g. 選舉要以選票進行,堂議會應採取預防措施,以確保投票的公正誠信。 h. 若領餐會員無法出席會議,可以用書面形式遞交選票,裝在密封的信封中,信封上寫上自己的名字,並寄給堂議會。 i. 不鼓勵在選票上列出候選人;如果使用了,缺席者的選票只在第一次計票中有效 j. 要成為當選人,需獲得三分之二多數票。計算所投選票的總數時,空白票不計。寫著「無」字樣的選票,表示投票人不願選任何一位候選人,這樣的選票在計算選票的總數時,應當計入。 k. 若經三次投票,無人獲得三分之二多數票,堂議會主席經與堂議會磋商後,可以延後選舉。 l. 主席要指定兩位計票員,收集選票,表列選舉結果,並向主席報告。 m. 主席應宣布選舉結果。 n. 應指定一位長老,將牧師呼召契約(含執事會所提交的財務契約)交付堂會批准(堂議會和執事會應事先備妥牧師呼召契約)。 o. 教會中應領餐會員和經常聚會的信徒有機會在牧師中呼召契約 上簽字。主席應說明,在牧師呼召契約上簽字是表明支持和願 意,與當選的教導長老共事,不管這個成員是否投贊成票。 5、呼召的處理 呼召應以下列方式處理: a. 主持人應立即通知當選的教導長老,告之投票結果及有關消息,以幫助他做出決定。 b. 牧師呼召契約應保留在堂議會兩個主日,好讓其他領餐會員和信徒,可以在牧師呼召契約上簽字。 c. 所有領餐會員或經常聚會的信徒,都可以委託堂議會的書記, 在牧師呼召契約上代簽,在這種情況下,書記應將自己名字附加在簽名旁邊。 d. 牧師呼召契約副本,應遞交給當選的教導長老。 e. 牧師呼召契約,連同領餐會員的名冊和會議記錄,應一併呈交 區會。 6、呼召的辦理 呼召應以下列方式辦理: 【D-17】 |
a. Presbytery, after receiving a call, shall determine whether the call was made in accordance with the law and order of the church. b. Presbytery shall sustain it as a regular call and forward it to the teaching elder-elect within the presbytery or the presbytery holding the credentials of the teaching elder-elect. c. Presbytery may decline to forward the call for any of the following reasons: (1) The refusal of a considerable minority to sign the call. (2) Failure to make suitable financial arrangements. (3) A conviction on the presbytery’s part that establishing the relationship would not be wise. d. If presbytery does not sustain a call, reasons shall be recorded in the minutes, the candidate shall be notified, the call returned to the congre- gation and a copy of the minutes stating the reason(s) shall go to both the candidate and the congregation. e. If a call is addressed to a teaching elder of a congregation within the presbytery, the interest of that congregation shall be considered care- fully. f. A presbytery which is in session may present a call immediately to a teaching elder whose credentials are held by the presbytery or to a student under its care, if the person is present. g. The teaching elder-elect may either accept or decline the call or ask for more time to consider it. h. If the call is rejected, the teaching elder-elect shall notify the congre- gation and the presbytery in writing. i. If the call is accepted, presbytery shall take steps toward ordination and/or installation. j. If the teaching elder-elect is not present, presbytery shall forward the call to him. k. Upon reception of the call from his presbytery, the teaching elder-elect shall inform the congregation and the presbytery of his decision within two weeks. l. A call may not be presented by a presbytery other than the one having oversight of the one called. m. When the person called is from a congregation within another presby- tery, the presbytery of the congregation making the call, having approved it, shall forward it to the other presbytery for evaluation and presentation. n. If the call is accepted the credentials of the person called shall be transferred to the presbytery of the congregation making the call. o. That presbytery shall take necessary steps toward ordination and/or installation. E. Procedures for Examination, Ordination and Installation The examination, ordination and installation of a teaching elder belongs to the presbytery alone. Presbytery shall hold the credentials which shall include as complete a record as possible of his education, certification to preach, eligibility to receive a call, ordination and installation(s). Ordination should be with a view to, and in connection with, installation into a pastoral relationship. A board may request permission from Synod for the presbytery to ordain a man to minister in a special field. 【D-18】 1. Authorization
Presbytery shall authorize the ordination and/or installation as follows: a. Presbytery, or a commission of presbytery, shall arrange for the ex- amination, ordination and/or installation of a teaching elder-elect at the earliest convenience of the parties involved. (Any objections by concerned parties shall be presented in writing to the Ad Interim Commission prior to the called meeting. If objections are raised, the Commission shall deal with them before proceeding.) b. The commission or presbytery, in consultation with the session, shall set the time, date and place for the examination, ordination and/or installation. 2. Calling of Meetings a. The commission or presbytery shall issue an edict and direct that it be read to the congregation on the two preceding Lord’s Days. b. If the congregation has no public meeting, ten days’ notice by mail or phone to all members who can be reached shall be sufficient. c. The date of ordination and/or installation is subject to the sustaining of his examination by presbytery. 3. Meeting for Examination The examination of a teaching elder-elect entering his first pastorate within the Reformed Presbyterian Church shall proceed as follows: a. At the appointed time, presbytery shall be constituted with prayer by an elder. b. The candidate shall be examined in the following: (1) A sermon preached on an assigned portion of Scripture (2) Personal godliness (3) Soundness in the faith and commitment to the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church c. Following each area of examination, a vote to sustain or not sustain will be taken. Each member of the court may state his reasons for his vote or make appropriate comments. Such comments are to be consid- ered individual reflections or judgements, not the settled conclusions of the court. A roll call should be taken by Presbytery. If the examination is sustained by a two-thirds vote, presbytery may then adjourn to meet at a later time for the ordination and installation service or may elect to proceed immediately. 4. Meeting for Ordination/Installation The order of this meeting shall be as follows: a. If presbytery adjourned following the examination meeting, the service 【D-19】 of ordination and installation should begin with the constitution of the court.
b. The steps taken up to this point shall be narrated. c. The edict shall be read for the last time. d. Recognizing that the examination of the candidate has already been sustained, the congregation shall be asked to indicate their adherence to the call by a rising vote. e. The candidate shall be asked to indicate his adherence to his acceptance of the call. f. The candidate shall come forward and answer the prescribed Queries for Ordination. g. Having given his assent to the queries, he shall sign them. h. A sermon shall be preached by an appointed elder. i. The candidate to be ordained shall kneel and the members of presbytery shall lay their hands upon his head as the formal words of ordination are uttered in prayer. In case of installation, only a prayer of installation shall be offered. j. A suggested formula of ordination for use in prayer is as follows: “... bless your servant (naming him) as we do now set him apart as a min- ister of the Gospel in the name and by the authority of Jesus Christ, the King and Head of the Church, and install him as teaching elder of (name) congregation....” k. The clerk of presbytery is now responsible to hold his credentials. l. His membership is transferred to the congregation where he is installed. m. Special charges to the newly installed teaching elder and congregation may be given at the discretion of the presbytery. n. Presbytery shall be adjourned with prayer, and the new teaching elder shall pronounce the benediction. o. Members of presbytery and others present shall be given opportunity to extend the right hand of fellowship to the newly installed pastor and his family. p. The installation of a previously ordained elder is the same as outlined above except the particular steps which refer only to ordination. q. A teaching elder ordained in another true branch of the visible church may be received into the Reformed Presbyterian Church when he has met our denomination’s conditions for a teaching elder. He shall be examined by the presbytery or a commission. A member of the presbytery shall lead in prayer on his behalf, and he shall sign the Queries for Ordination. Members of the presbytery shall be given the opportunity to extend the right hand of fellowship. 5. Cessation of Service A teaching elder’s service may cease under the following circumstances: a. A teaching elder may request the presbytery to release him from his relationship with the congregation. 【D-20】 b. Any teaching elder desiring to resign shall give notice of his intention to the congregation at least two weeks before offering his resignation to the presbytery. If the congregation objects to this action, their objections should be considered by presbytery. c. Presbytery shall set the date upon which the pastoral relationship shall be dissolved and shall with prayer effect the dissolution. d. Presbytery shall inform the clerk of session by letter that the pulpit has been declared vacant. This letter shall be read to the congregation. The letter shall also contain presbytery’s authorization and counsel regarding pulpit supply, administration of sacraments and moderating a call. e.If the resignation of the teaching elder leaves the session with only one congregationally elected member, presbytery, to maintain the organization of the congregation, shall appoint at least one provisional elder. f. When because of special circumstances such as health, age, et cetera, a teaching elder is no longer able to exercise regularly his pastoral du- ties, his presbytery may with care relieve him of the official duties of his office and declare his status to be inactive. g. A retired teaching elder maintains the privileges of his office. If presbytery decides that a teaching elder’s situation and/or vocation are inconsistent with the calling of a minister of the Gospel, the presbytery may, after a period of five consecutive years, declare his status to be inactive. h. A teaching elder who has moved into the jurisdiction of another presbytery shall have his credentials transferred to that presbytery and his communicant membership changed to the local congregation. i. A teaching elder desiring affiliation with another denomination may upon application be given credentials by his presbytery and a letter of standing by his session. If there are charges pending, they shall be in- cluded. j. A teaching elder who leaves the denomination without a regular dis- missal is not considered to be in regular standing. It is the responsibility of the presbytery to notify the receiving body of this fact and to seek to clear any possible conflict between the two bodies. k. A congregation desiring a change in the pastoral relationship may make official request to the session through: (1) A committee authorized by the congregation. (2) A petition signed by a majority of the congregation’s members. l. If the session refuses the above request, the congregation may petition presbytery directly. 6. Removal from Office A teaching elder may be removed from office. The following principles apply to this procedure: a. A teaching elder can be divested of his ordination by deposition at the hands of the presbytery. b. A session may petition the presbytery to dissolve the relationship be- tween a particular teaching elder and the congregation; yet the presbytery holds original jurisdiction regarding the deposition of a teaching elder from his ordination. 【D-21】 c. In extraordinary cases the presbytery may also initiate jurisdiction if it concludes that a particular session has been unable to exercise proper discipline over the teaching elder in question.
d. Procedure for judicial process is set forth in the Book of Discipline. e. Presbytery shall set the date upon which the pastoral relationship shall be dissolved and shall with prayer effect the dissolution. f. Presbytery shall inform the clerk of session by letter that the pulpit has been declared vacant. This letter shall be read to the congregation. The letter shall also contain presbytery’s authorization and counsel regarding pulpit supply, administration of sacraments and moderating a call. g. If the removal of the teaching elder leaves the session with only one congregationally elected member, presbytery, to maintain the organization of the congregation, shall appoint at least one provisional elder. h. If a teaching elder undergoing judicial process leaves the denomination, ordinarily charges against him should be tried. i. A teaching elder forfeits his ordination by renouncing his faith, or may do so by conduct unbecoming a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Such actions warrant judicial process.) 7. Cessation of Ordination The continuing privileges and responsibilities of ordination would cease if: a. A teaching elder is deposed from his ordination by judicial action of a church court. b. A teaching elder’s request that his ordination be terminated is granted by a church court after careful consideration. III. DEACONS The Diaconate is a spiritual office responsible for the ministry of mercy and stewardship of the congregation. It is neither a ruling nor a teaching office. Its exercise, like the whole life of the church, is under the oversight of the session and its function is administrative. A. Qualifications Those eligible to be called as deacons must: 1. Be communicant members in good standing of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. 2. Evidence the standards of character and conduct consistent with those set forth in Acts 6:3; 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and 1 Corinthians 12:28. 3. Be knowledgeable in and committed to the subordinate doctrinal standards of the denomination as being consistent with Scriptures. 【D-22】 B. Duties The duties of deacons include:
a. Leading the congregation in discerning and ministering to needs such as:
c. Training the congregation in the use of the members’ gifts in the ministry of mercy. d. Helping the congregation evaluate requests for funds by organizations outside the denomination. e. Maintaining an active ministry of stewardship, such as: a. Overseeing the work of the treasurer. b. Appointing a finance committee as needed. c. Keeping the congregation informed at least quarterly of financial needs. d. Securing an annual audit of all the congregation’s accounts. e. Preparing an annual budget in conjunction with the session. f. Offering family budget counseling. g. Teaching principles of giving. h. Overseeing the maintenance of property.
The board of deacons has no legislative or judicial powers; its work is wholly administrative, subject to the direction of the session and sensitive to the counsel of the congregation. The regular privileges of deacons include: 1. Serving as permanent members of the board of deacons to which they are elected. 【D-23】 |
a. 區會收到牧師呼召契約之後,應確定該呼召符合教會法。
b. 通常情況下,區會應同意牧師呼召契約。當選的教導長老若與進行選舉的堂會隸屬同一區會,區會應將證書轉交當選人。若當選人隸屬另一區會,則應將證書轉交當選人所在的區會,再轉交當選人。 c. 基於下列任一原因,區會可以拒絕轉交牧師呼召契約: (1)有一定數量的少數人拒絕在牧師呼召契約上簽字。 (2)財務上無法作妥善安排。 (3)區會堅信此種關係的建立不妥不智。 d. 區會若拒絕簽署牧師呼召契約,拒絕的原因應記錄在會議記錄中。區會應告知當選人,牧師呼召契約應退還堂會,記載拒簽原因的會議記錄副本,應交給當選人和堂會。 e. 蒙召的教導長老與堂會隸屬同一區會,區會對該堂會的利益應仔細考慮。 f. 區會開會期間,蒙召的長老或是蒙召並在區會照管下的神學生若在現場,牧師呼召契約可以當場交給蒙召人。 g. 當選的教導長老可以接受呼召,可以拒絕呼召,也可以請求更多的時間考慮。 h. 當選的教導長老如果拒絕,應以書面通知堂會和區會。 i. 當選的教導長老如果接受呼召,區會應著手準備按立和/或就職。 j. 當選的教導長老如果不在會議現場,區會應將牧師呼召契約發送給他。 k. 收到區會送來的牧師呼召契約後,當選的長老應在兩週內將決定回覆堂會和區會。 l. 除了對蒙召的教導長老負有監督權責的區會之外,其它區會不得對教導長老簽發牧師呼召契約。 m. 蒙召的教導長老所在的堂會如屬另一區會,發出呼召的堂會所屬的區會,在批准呼召之後,應將牧師呼召契約發送給蒙召長老所屬的區會,由該區會簽發。 n. 若蒙召的教導長老接受了呼召,蒙召者的資格證件應予轉移,移入發出呼召的堂會所屬的區會。 o. 接收蒙召教導長老的區會應著手準備按立和/或就職。 E、審核、按立及就職程序 教導長老的審核、按立及就職,其職責獨屬於區會。區會應盡可能完整地保存教導長老的資格證件,如學歷證書、講道資格證書、牧師候選人資格證書、按立和就職證書等。按立是獻身教牧事工的起點,也是維繫教牧關係的保障。董事會可以請求總會,由區會按立一些人,進入特殊領域中服事。 【D-18】 1、 批准 區會應以下列方式批准按立或就職: a. 區會,或隸屬區會的執委會,對當選的教導長老的審核、按立和就職,都應儘早安排。 (任何一方若有異議,都應在開會之前,以書面形式遞給臨時執委會。對所提的異議,該執委會應在會期之前處理。) b. 執委會或區會,與堂議會商議之後,應確定審核、按立和就職 的日期、時間和地點。 2、會議的召集 a. 執委會或區會應正式發佈公告,在開會前連續兩個主日向堂會會眾宣讀。 b. 若該堂會沒有公共聚會,必須在會期十天之前透過郵件或電話通知所有可聯繫到的會員。 c. 按立和就職的日期,視區會考核完成的日期而定。 3、審核會議 教導長老當選人進入改革宗長老教會第一次牧師任期時的評鑑,應 以下列方式進行: a. 在指定的時間,區會應由一位長老的禱告開始聚會。 b. 當選人應在下列幾方面接受審查: (1)根據指定的聖經經文講道。 (2)敬虔聖潔 (3)對改革宗長老教會信仰宣言的確信與承諾信守。 c. 每一項考察之後,要投票表決同意或反對。議會的每一成員均可陳述贊成或反對的理由,並作適當評論。這些評論應視為個人看法或判斷,而非議會的最終定論。區會應唱名計票。若審核獲三分之二多數票贊成,區會可以休會,然後復會舉行按立及就職聚會;也可以隨即進行按牧就職。 4、按立及就職的會議 按立及就職會議的程序如下: a. 若區會在審核會議之後,曾經休會,那麼按立和就職會議應當正式復會。 【D-19】 b. 將事情進行到此的各個階段,陳述一遍。 c. 應最後宣讀一遍公告。 d. 既然當選人已經通過了審核,應要求堂會會員以起立方式表決,表明對這個呼召堅持不變。 e. 要求當選人表示對呼召的接受也堅持不變。 f. 候選人應走上前,回答既定的按立誓約問答。 g. 同意了按立誓約問答之後,應在其上簽名。 h. 指定一位長老講道。 i. 接受按立的候選人應跪下禱告,區會成員應在禱告中表達按立的內容。若是就職典禮,就僅作就職禱告。 j. 按立禱告可以如下:「我們現在奉教會的君王和元首主耶穌基督的名,將你的僕人(接受按立者的名)分別出來成為福音的使者,並靠基督耶穌的權柄讓他正式就任為(某某)堂會的教導長老,......” k. 現在由區會書記負責保管教導長老的證件。 l. 他的會員資格轉移到任職的堂會。 m. 區會有權對新就職的教導長老和堂會會眾囑咐特殊的責任。 n. 區會應以禱告結束,應由新任教導長老祝福。 o. 應給予區會長老和其他在場人員機會,向新就職的牧師和他的家人行右手相交之禮,表示歡迎。 p. 先前已被按立的教導長老,其就職程序,與上述所述一致,只是不行上述與按立有關的步驟。 q. 在其它信仰純正的有形教會中已經按立的教導長老,如果符合在改革宗長老會擔任教導長老的資格,可以接納進入本系統。其資格應由區會或執委會進行評估。應由一位區會長老帶領禱告接納他,他應在按立誓約問答上簽名。應給予區會長老機會,行右手相交之禮以表歡迎。 5.在堂議會中服事的中止 在下列情況中教導長老的服事可以中止: a. 教導長老可以請區會終止他與堂會的關係。 【D-20】 b. 教導長老若想辭職,他應在向區會遞交辭職之前,至少兩週, 向堂會通知辭職意向。堂會若決議拒絕其辭職,區會應考慮堂會的決議。 c. 教牧關係中止的日期應由區會決定,並以禱告中止此關係。 d. 區會應以信函告知堂議會書記,宣布講台空缺。這封信應向堂會會員宣讀。信的內容也應包含區會的授權、講台供應、聖禮執行和下任牧師的呼召如何進行。 e. 教導長老辭職之後,若該堂議會只剩下一位堂會選出的長老, 區會至少應指派一位臨時長老以維持堂會的組織。 f. 若因特殊情況如健康、年齡或其他原因,當教導長老無法再正常履行教牧本分時,區會可謹慎地解除其正式職責,並宣布其身份為非執行職務狀態。 g. 退休的教導長老仍持有職分中的權利。當區會決議某一教導長老的狀況和恩賜,與福音使者的呼召不相稱,在連續五年之後, 區會可以宣布其身份為非執行職務狀態。 h. 當教導長老轉移到另一區會管轄之下,其資格證件應轉移到所移入的區會,其領餐會員身份也應轉移到當地堂會。 j. 教導長老如未經過正規的解除手續就離開本系統,其牧師職分不應視為正規。區會有責任將此事通知接受他的那一方。並試圖清除雙方可能會有的衝突。 k. 若一堂會想改變教牧關係,可以透過下列方式向堂議會提出 正式請求: (1)由堂會授權成立一個委員會。 (2)堂會過半數會員簽名的請願。 l. 若堂議會拒絕上述請求,堂會可以直接向區會請願。 6.職分的解除 教導長老的職分,可以解除。解除的程序應遵循下列原則: a. 教導長老經按立的職分,解除的權利在區會手中。 b. 堂議會可以向區會請願,解除某一教導長老與堂會的關係;然而解除教導長老的職分,其管轄權屬於區會。 【D-21】 c. 在特殊情況下,當區會斷定某一堂議會對有問題的教導長老無法實施適當的紀律懲戒時,也可主動採用教會懲戒程序。 d. 教會懲戒程序在教會紀律章程中已有詳述。 e. 中止教牧關係的日期應由區會決定,並以禱告中止該關係。 f. 區會應以信函告知堂議會書記,宣布講台空缺。此信函應向堂會會員宣讀。信件的內容也應包含區會的授權、講台供應、聖禮執行和下一任牧師的呼召如何進行。 g. 教導長老的職務解除之後,若堂議會只剩下一位堂會選出的長老,區會至少應指派一位臨時長老,以維持堂會組織。 h. 教導長老若在教會懲戒進行當中離開本系統,通常情況下,對他的指控應繼續進行審訊。 i. 教導長老如果宣告放棄他的信仰,或是行為與主耶穌基督的門徒身份不相配,他就失去牧師職分(這些行為需經教會懲戒程序裁定)。 7.職分的中止 在下列情況下經按立而來的權利與責任中止: a. 教導長老按立的職分,經由教會議會的懲罰程序而中止。 b. 教導長老按立的職分,自己請求終止,在教會會議謹慎考慮之後獲準。 三、執事 執事是屬靈的職分,在堂會中盡憐憫和管家的職責。此職分既非治理也非教導,如同教會所有的生活,執事職分的行使處於堂議會的監督之下,其職責是行政性的。 A、條件 執事必須具備下列條件: 1、為改革宗長老會領餐會員,其會員資格確認無疑。 2.表現的品格與行為符合徒 6:2、提前 3:8-13與林前 12:28中所 列出的條件。 3.對本會凡符合聖經的次級教義規範(改革宗長老會憲章)認識充 分,並願全心效力。 【D-22】 B、本分 執事的本分包括: 1、經常出席執事會並參與討論。 2、與堂議會定期會面,一起禱告,評估各項事工,並幫助事工的發。 3、積極維持憐憫事工,諸如: a. 使堂會認識並服事各項需要,例如: (1)本地的個人和團體的需要。 (2)各國和國際上的需要。 b. 募集和合理分配資金。 c. 訓練堂會會員,運用在憐憫事工上的恩賜。 d. 當其它教外組織請求財務援助時,幫助堂會進行評估。 e. 積極維持行政事工,儘管家的責任,諸如: a-幫助會眾評估教派以外組織的資金請求。 保持正向的管理事工,例如: 一個。監督財務長的工作。 b-根據需要任命財務委員會。 c-至少每季向會眾通報財務需求。 d-確保對所有會眾的帳目進行年度審計。 e-結合會議準備年度預算。 f-提供家庭預算諮詢。 g-給予的教學原則。 h-監督財產的維護。 1-透過親自探訪來發展這些事工。 2-履行堂議會、會眾或區會分配給他們的其他職責。 C、特權 執事會沒有立法權或司法權;其工作完全是行政性的,服從會議的指示並聽取會眾的意見。 執事的常規特權包括: 1-擔任其當選之執事會常任理事。 【D-23】 |
2. Serving as consultative members in higher courts of the church when ap- pointed.
D. Procedure for Election 1. Authorization An election of deacons may be authorized as follows: a. The initiative for an election of deacons must include one or more of the following: (1) A request from the deacon board that an increase of its mem- bership is needed. (2) A judgment of the session that there are qualified persons in the congregation, and an increase in the number of deacons is necessary. (3) An appeal from the congregation to the session to increase the number of deacons. b. An election of deacons is to be conducted by the session at a specially called meeting of the congregation. 2. Calling a Meeting The procedure to call a meeting will be: a. The session shall issue an edict setting the date, time and place for an election. b. Eight days’ notice of the meeting shall be given publicly to the con- gregation by reading of the edict at the worship services on the two preceding Lord’s Days. c. If the congregation has no public meeting, ten days’ notice by mail or phone to all members who can be reached shall be sufficient. 3. Order of Meeting a. The congregation having been called together for the election, the session shall be constituted by the moderator or presbytery’s appointee. b. The session shall have a complete list of all communicant members of the congregation in good standing from which a quorum is to be determined (one-half of the active communicant resident members). A quorum is necessary for each ballot. c. Inquiry by the moderator if the congregation still desires to proceed with the election. d. The final reading of the edict. e. Worship, with a sermon, shall be conducted under the direction of the session. f. The election shall be conducted. g. The court shall be adjourned with prayer. 4. Balloting The election shall be conducted as follows: 【D-24】 |
2. 在被任命時擔任教會高等法院的顧問成員。
D. 選舉程序 1、授權 執事的選舉可以被授權如下: a-一個選舉執事的動議必須包括以下一項或多項內容: (1) 執事會請求增加其成員數量。 (2) 會議判斷會眾中有合格人員,需增加執事人數。 (3) 會眾向會議提出增加執事的人數的要求。 b.執事的選舉應由會議在特別召開的會眾會議上進行。 2. 召開會議 召開會議的程序是: a-會議應發布決定選舉日期、時間和地點的法令。 b.會議召開前八天的通知應透過在前兩個主日的禮拜儀式上宣讀該法令的方式公開向會眾發出。 c.如果會眾沒有公開會議,則提前十天透過電子郵件或電話通知所有可以聯繫到的成員就足夠了。 3. 會議順序 a. 會眾被召集起來進行選舉,會議應由主持人或長老會指定的人組。 b.會議應有一份完整的名單,列出會眾中所有信譽良好的通訊成員,並從中確定法定人數(活躍通訊常駐成員的一半)。每次投票都需要達到法定人數。 c.主持人應詢問會眾是否仍希望繼續進行選舉。 d.最後宣讀了該法令。 e.禮拜和講道應在集會的指導下進行。 f. 應進行選舉。 g. 法庭將在祈禱中休會。 4. 投票 選舉應按列方式進行: 【D-24】 |
a. The session may indicate their judgment as to the number of positions to be filled by the election. Such a judgment shall be based on the needs of the congregation and the evidence of spiritual maturity of potential candidates.
b. Session may submit a list of nominations. c. If the session has indicated its desire for a certain number of deacons, its list of nominees shall not contain less than that number. d. Nominations may also be made by a communicant member of the congregation present. e. The election may also proceed without nominations. f. Even when nominations have been made, votes may be cast for any qualified candidate. g. Voting shall be by ballot, with the session taking due precaution to ensure the integrity of the vote. h. When the number to be elected is determined, the number of names per ballot is not to exceed the announced number to be elected. i. Communicant members unable to attend the meeting may send their votes in writing (also known as absentee votes), enclosed in sealed enve- lopes which bear their names and are addressed to the session. Absentee votes are valid only on the first electing ballot. j. The use of a nominating ballot is not encouraged; if it is used, absentee votes are valid only on the first electing ballot. Absentee votes will not be used on a nominating ballot. k. Only those receiving at least two-thirds of the votes cast shall be declared deacons-elect. Blank ballots shall not be counted in determin- ing the total number of votes cast. A ballot marked “No,” indicating that the person desires not to vote for any candidate, should be counted in determining the total number of votes cast. l. If a two-thirds vote has not been reached after three ballots, the moderator, in consultation with the session, may postpone the election. m. Two tellers shall be appointed by the moderator to collect the ballots and tabulate the results of the election and report to the moderator. E. Procedure for Examination, Ordination and Installation 1. Examination The examination of a deacon-elect shall proceed as follows: a. The deacon-elect shall notify the session, preferably within two weeks, regarding his intention to accept or decline the call of the congregation. b. If the deacon-elect indicates his desire to accept the call, the session shall meet in constituted court to examine him with respect to his qualifications as stated above in Section I.A. c. The session shall examine him in his soundness in the faith and in his commitment to the Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church. d. If the session shall judge any deacon-elect unfit for the office, it shall not proceed with his ordination and/or installation. e. Ordination will not be required if: 【D-25】 |
b.堂議會可以提交提名名單。 c.如果堂議會顯示希望有一定數量的執事,則其提名名單不得少於該數量。 d.提名也可以由出席的會眾的聖餐成員進行。 e.選舉也可以在沒有提名的情況下進行。 f.即使已經做出提名,也可以投票給任何合格的候選人。 g。投票應以投票方式進行,會議應採取適當的預防措施以確保投票的完整性。 h.當選人數確定後,每次投票的候選人數不得超過公佈的當選人數。 i. 無法出席會議的通訊成員可以以書面形式發送選票(也稱為缺席選票),將選票裝在密封的信封中,信封上寫有他們的名字並寄給會議。缺席選票僅在第一次選舉投票時有效。 j不鼓勵使用提名選票;如果使用這種方式,缺席選票僅在第一次選舉投票時有效。缺席選票不會用於提名投票。 k.只有至少三分之二選票的人才能被宣佈為當選執事。在決定投票總數時,空白選票不予計算。標有「否」的選票表示該人不想投票給任何候選人,應計入確定投票總數。 l. 若三輪投票後仍未達到三分之二票數,主持人經與會議協商後,可延後選舉。 m. 主持人指定兩名計票員負責收集選票並統計選舉結果並向主持人報告。 E. 考試、任命和按立的程序 1. 考試 當選執事的審查應按下列程序進行: a. 當選執事應通知會議,最好在兩週內,告知他打算接受或拒絕會眾的召喚。 b.如果當選執事表明他願意接受召喚,則會議應在組成的法院舉行會議,以審查他的資格,如上文第 I.A. 節所述。 c.會議將檢視他的信仰健全性以及他對改革宗長老教會證詞的承諾。 d.若會議判定任何執事當選人不適合擔任該職務,則不得對其進行任命和/或按立。 e.如果出現以下情況,則不需要任命: 【D-25】 |
(1) A deacon-elect holds ordination in the denomination as a deacon. (2) A deacon-elect is certified as having been ordained to an equivalent office in another true branch of the visible church and has met our denominational conditions to be a deacon. f. Public ordination and/or installation to the board of deacons will be required of all deacons-elect who have declared their desire to serve and have been examined and approved by the session. 2. Authorization The session shall authorize the ordination and/or installation in the following manner: a. The session shall set the time, date and place for the ordination and installation of qualified deacons-elect. (Any objections by the congregation shall be presented to the session in writing prior to the called meeting. Session shall act on the objection prior to the called meeting.) b. Notice of the date, time, location, and names of the deacon(s)-elect shall be given by the installing session to all sessions within the presbytery. 3. Calling a Meeting To call a meeting for ordination and/or installation: a. An edict shall be prepared by the session. b. The edict shall be read eight days prior to the congregational meet- ing at the worship services on the two preceding Lord’s Days. c. If the congregation has no public meeting, ten days’ notice by mail or phone to all members who can be reached shall be sufficient. 4. Order of Meeting The order of the meeting shall be as follows: a. The session shall be constituted by the moderator or presbytery’s appointee, and the privileges of the floor shall be extended to all elders of the denomination present. b. A quorum of one-half of the active resident communicant membership shall be confirmed. c. The edict shall be read for the final time. d. Worship, with a sermon, shall be conducted under the direction of the session. e. An appointed elder shall narrate the previous steps leading up to the ordination and/or installation. f. An appointed elder shall ask the appropriate Queries for Ordination of the candidates and elicit an affirmative response. g. Candidates shall publicly sign the Queries for Ordination. h. In the case of ordination and installation the candidate shall kneel for prayer and all elders present shall be invited to join in the laying on of hands. i. In the case of installation only an installation prayer shall be offered. 【D-26】 |
(1) 當選執事在教派中擔任執事。
(2) 當選執事被證明已被任命為有形教會的另一個真正分支的同等職位,並且滿足我們成為執事的教派條件。 f.公開任命和/或就任執事委員會成員將需要所有已宣布服務願望並經會議審查和批准的當選執事。 2、授權 會議應按以下方式授權任命和/或安裝: a. 會議應確定合格當選執事的按立和就職的時間、日期和地點。 (會眾的任何反對意見應在召開的會議之前以書面形式向會議提出。會議應在召開的會議之前對反對意見採取行動。) b.就職會議應將日期、時間、地點和當選執事的姓名通知給長老會內的所有會議。 3. 召開會議 召開任命和/或按立會議: a. 會議應制定法令。 b.該法令應在前兩個主日舉行禮拜儀式的會眾聚會前八天宣讀。 c.如果會眾沒有公開會議,則提前十天透過電子郵件或電話通知所有可以聯繫到的成員就足夠了。 4. 會議順序 會議順序如下: a. 會議應由主持人或長老會任命的人組成,會議的特權應擴大到出席該教派的所有長老。 b.應確認有效常住通訊員會員的二分之一的法定人數。 c.該法令將進行最後一次宣讀。 d.禮拜和講道應在集會的指導下進行。 e.指定的長老應講述按立和/或就職前的步驟。 f.受任命的長老應向候選人提出適當的按立查詢,並得到肯定的答覆。 g. 候選人應公開簽署任命詢問書。 h.在按立和就職的情況下,候選人應跪下祈禱,並邀請所有在場的長老參加按手禮。 i. 在按立的情況下,僅應提供按立禱告。 【D-26】 |
j. An elder shall offer the prayer of ordination and/or installation in the name and by the authority of Jesus Christ. k. The elders shall extend the right hand of fellowship receiving the newly installed deacon(s). l. Special charges to the newly installed deacon(s) and to the congrega- tion may be given at the discretion of the session. m. The session shall adjourn and close the meeting with prayer and the benediction. n. Opportunity shall be given to the congregation and friends to greet the newly installed deacon(s). 5. Cessation of Service on a Board of Deacons A deacon’s service may cease under the following circumstances: a. A deacon may request the session to accept his resignation from the board of deacons. b. A deacon whose resignation has been accepted must be re-elected in order to serve again in that office. c. A deacon is no longer able to serve regularly on the board of deacons to which he was installed for reasons of distance, health, or other justifi- able reasons; his session shall move with care to relieve him of the official exercise of his office and declare his status to be inactive (i.e. non-voting). In cases of suspension, see Book of Discipline. d. A deacon or his session may arrange for a sabbatical leave of normally up to one year, during which time he shall be on inactive status. e. A congregation may arrange for rotation of deacons, subject to the approval of session and presbytery. f. A deacon granted an inactive status may be reinstated to active service at the discretion of the session. g. A deacon ceases to serve on the board of deacons when he has moved his communicant membership to another congregation. h. A congregation may petition a session to depose a particular deacon, but the session holds original jurisdiction regarding deposition of a deacon from his ordination. 6. Removal from Office A deacon may be removed from office. The following principles shall apply to this procedure: a. A deacon can be divested of his ordination only by deposition at the hands of his session or presbytery. b. The session shall notify the presbytery whenever it intends to initiate deposition procedures by forwarding a copy of the charges. c. In extraordinary cases the session may appeal to presbytery to assume jurisdiction in adjudicating a proposed deposition. d. In extraordinary cases the presbytery may also originate jurisdiction if it concludes that a particular session has been unable to exercise proper discipline over the deacon in question. 【D-27】 |
j. 長老應奉耶穌基督的名和權柄進行按立和/或就職的禱告。
k.長老應伸出右手,迎接新就職的執事。 l. 會議可酌情決定向新任命的執事和會眾收取特別費用。 m. 會議休會並以祈禱和祝福結束會議。 n. 會眾和朋友們將有機會迎接新就職的執事。 5. 執事終止服事 在下列情況下,執事的服務可以停止: a. 執事可以請會議接受他在執事委員會的辭呈。 b.辭呈已被接受的執事必須重新選任才能再次擔任該職位。 c.由於距離、健康或其他正當理由,執事不再能夠在他所就任的執事委員會中定期任職;他的會議應謹慎地解除他的正式職務,並宣布他的地位為不活躍(即無投票權)。如果有停職的情況,請參閱紀律手冊。 d.執事或其會議可以安排通常長達一年的休假,在此期間他應處於非活動狀態。 e.會眾可以安排執事的輪換,但須經長老會和長老會的批准。 f.被授予非活動狀態的執事可以根據會話的判斷恢復活動服務。 g。當執事將其聖餐成員轉移到另一個教會時,他就不再在執事委員會任職。 h.會眾可以向會議請求罷免特定的執事,但會議對罷免執事的任命擁有原始管轄權。 6. 免職 執事可能會被免職。本程序應遵循以下原則: a. 執事只能透過其會議或長老會的任命而被剝奪。 b.每當會議打算透過轉發指控副本啟動沉積程序時,會議應通知長老會。 c.在特殊情況下,會議可以請求長老會承擔裁決擬議證詞的管轄權。 d.在特殊情況下,如果長老會得出結論認為某個會議無法對有關執事實施適當的紀律,則也可以發起管轄權。 【D-27】 |
e. No deacon shall be suspended or deposed except after a fair trial. f. Procedure for judicial process is set forth in the Book of Discipline. 7. Cessation of Ordination The continuing privileges and responsibilities of ordination would cease if: a. A deacon is deposed from his ordination by judicial action of a church court. b. A deacon’s request that his ordination be terminated is granted by a church court after careful consideration. CHAPTER 4 The Session 1. The session is the court having original jurisdiction over the members of a congregation. It consists of at least two resident elders elected by the congregation. A majority of the number of elders shall constitute a quorum. Where there is but one elder the congregation becomes disorganized. Steps should be taken to increase the number by requesting the presbytery for the appointment of a provisional elder(s) leading to the election of at least one additional resident elder. 2. Ordinarily, a teaching elder is the moderator of the session. Extraordi- nary circumstances may arise where it is advisable for the session to elect as moderator an elder other than the teaching elder, or for the moderator to be appointed by presbytery. No elder shall moderate session in the absence of the regular moderator without the authority of the presbytery. 3. A teaching elder may be appointed by the presbytery to serve as a stated supply in the congregation. He shall be appointed to serve for a given period of time and may be asked to moderate the session. A licentiate may serve as stated supply, but shall not perform the functions of an ordained officer. 4. The moderator shall see that the session is properly constituted and ad- journed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King and Head of the Church. He shall direct the business in accord with the law and order of the church and may vote. The session shall elect one of its members as clerk. He shall see that announcement is made of the meetings, keep accurate record of the proceedings, handle correspondence and fulfill other responsibilities as ordered by the court. He shall issue citations when required and shall furnish extracts from the minutes when ordered by the court. He shall have charge of all the papers and records belonging to the session. 5. The session shall hold meetings at stated intervals. Ordinarily, meetings and minutes of the session are open to members of the congregation except 【D-28】 |
e.除非經過公平審判,否則任何執事不得被停職或罷免。 f.司法程序的程序在《紀律手冊》中規定。
7. 終止止按立 在以下情況下,任命的持續特權和責任將終止: 一個。執事的任命是透過教會法院的司法行動而解除的。 b.執事終止任命的請求由教會法院經過仔細考慮後批准。 第 4 章 堂議會 The Session 1. 會議是對會眾成員擁有初審管轄權的法院。它由至少兩名由會眾選出的常駐長老組成。長老人數的過半數構成法定人數。如果只有一位長老,會眾就會變得雜亂無章。應採取措施增加人數,要求長老教會任命一名臨時長老,從而選出至少一名常駐長老。 2. 通常,會議的主持人是一位教學長老。可能會出現特殊情況,建議會議選舉教導長老以外的一位長老作為主持人,或主持人由長老會任命。未經長老教會授權,長老不得在常規主持人缺席的情況下主持會議。 3. 長老教會可以任命一位教導長老,作為會眾的固定供應者。他應被任命在一定期限內任職,並可能被要求主持會議。執照持有者可以擔任規定的供應,但不得履行任命官員的職能。 4. 主持人應確保會議以教會君王和元首主耶穌基督的名義正確召開和休會。他應根據教會的法律和秩序指導事務,並可以投票。會議應選舉一名成員擔任書記官。他負責監督會議的公告、準確記錄會議情況、處理信件以及其他履行法院命令的職責。他應在需要時發出傳票,並在法院命令時提供會議記錄的摘錄。他負責管理會議的所有文件和記錄。 號 5. 屆會應依規定的時間間隔舉行會議。通常,會議和會議記錄要向會眾成員開放,除非 【D-28】 |
when “executive session”* is called. Special meetings may be called by the moderator at his discretion, or upon request. The constitution and adjourn- ment of the court shall be duly recorded in the minutes, with the names of the members in attendance. The meetings of the session shall center around prayer for wisdom in dealing with those persons under its care. No action is official unless taken at a regularly called and constituted meeting. Actions agreed upon by the members meeting informally must be ratified at a regular meeting and recorded. The minutes of all meetings must be read for correction and approval, transcribed in the record book and signed by the moderator and clerk. The record book of the session shall be presented for review by the presbytery once a year, or at such times as the presbytery may designate. 6. The session alone admits to and dismisses from the membership of the congregation. The clerk shall keep a complete and accurate record of all persons admitted to membership or suspended from or dismissed from membership, of baptisms including dates of birth of infants baptized, and of deaths. The record shall include the date of each event. He shall also keep up-to-date rolls of all those in communicant membership, of baptized members, and non-members approved to commune with the congregation. 7. A particular responsibility of the session is to care for the spiritual inter- est of the congregation and of each member. Therefore, it shall maintain the ordinances of public worship in accordance with the principles of the church. It shall be responsible for the leadership of the singing, for the observances of the sacraments, and for the visitation of the people of the congregation. It should exercise general supervision of Christian education, missionary societ- ies, young people’s societies, and all other organizations and activities in the congregation. It shall guard against any inappropriate or disorderly use of the church building. It shall particularly seek to provide wholesome recreation for its young people. 8. The session is subordinate to the higher courts and shall be governed by their decisions. Each session is to insure that it will be adequately represented at respective meetings of the higher courts. It shall appoint and certify delegates to the meetings of presbytery and Synod and shall furnish certificates signed by the moderator and clerk. The elders who are delegates to any regular meet- ing of the superior courts shall be members of any special meeting, unless it be a meeting for the purpose of changing the time or place, in which case the delegates to the ensuing regular meeting shall serve. 9. All judicial action affecting the standing of the members of the congregation shall be initiated in the session, and the trial shall be conducted in accordance with the rules set forth in the Book of Discipline. All communications, appeals, complaints, and papers by members of the congregation or of the session, which are addressed to presbytery or to Synod must be brought before the session for transmission to the higher court. It shall be transmitted unless the communica- tion deals with improper subjects or is expressed in disrespectful language. 【D-29】 |
6. 會議僅可接納和解散會眾的會員資格。書記官應保存所有入會、暫停或開除會員資格的人員、洗禮(包括受洗嬰兒的出生日期)以及死亡的完整準確記錄。記錄應包括每個事件的日期。他也應保存所有聖餐會員、受洗會員和獲準與會眾交往的非會員的最新名冊。 7. 區會的一項特殊責任是照顧會眾和每位會友的屬靈利益。因此,它應根據教會的原則來維持公共禮拜的教儀。它負責帶領歌唱、舉行聖禮以及探訪會眾。它應對基督教教育、傳教士社團、青年社團以及會眾中的所有其他組織和活動進行全面監督。它應防止對教堂建築的任何不當或無序使用。它應特別致力於為年輕人提供健康的娛樂。 8. 會議服從上級法院並受其裁決管轄。每次會議都應確保其在高等法院的相應會議上有足夠的代表。它應任命和認證參加長老會和主教會議的代表,並應提供由主持人和書記官簽署的證書。出席高等法院例行會議的長老,應擔任任何特別會議的成員,除非該會議是為了改變時間或地點而舉行的,在這種情況下,出席隨後例行會議的代表應擔任特別會議的成員。 9. 一切影響會眾成員地位的司法行動應在會議期間啟動,並依照《紀律手冊》所規定的規則進行審判。會眾或會議成員向長老會或主教會議提出的所有通訊、上訴、投訴和文件都必須提交會議,以便轉交給高等法院。除非通訊涉及不當主題或以不尊重的語言表達,否則應予以傳輸。會議轉發該文件並不意味著其認可所表達的觀點。 【D-29】 |
The transmission of the paper by the session does not imply its endorsement of the views expressed.
10. A session may present a paper to presbytery on any subject to which, in its judgment, the attention of the presbytery should be called. It may refer to the presbytery any doctrinal or disciplinary difficulty with which it does not feel competent to deal. Such reference shall be accompanied by a full statement of the problem. * Refer to Robert’s Rules of Order. CHAPTER 5 The Board of Deacons 1. The work of the board of deacons is a spiritual service and is administra- tive. The board does not have legislative or judicial powers. In the absence of deacons their ministries of mercy and stewardship are included in the respon- sibilities of the elders. 2. The deacons shall organize as a board, choosing a chairman and secretary from their own membership, and also a treasurer. When deemed prudent the deacon board may ask session to appoint a communicant member of the con- gregation to serve as the treasurer. The deacons shall meet at stated intervals and shall open and close their meetings with prayer. Adequate records of these meetings should be recorded. 3. The duties of the board of deacons include: a. Maintaining an active ministry of mercy. There should be a mercy fund for the relief of needy persons, both within the congregation and outside of it, whether Christian or non-Christian. The mercy fund may be sup- plied by voluntary gifts above the regular offering and may be kept in a separate account. Session may assign other tasks that relate to the ministry of mercy. b. Overseeing the finances of the congregation. This includes receiving the offerings and other income and keeping an accurate record of all contributions. It also includes the responsibility of insuring that the finan- cial obligations of the congregation are met, and that periodic financial reports are made to the session and the congregation. Financial policies and the development of stewardship should be the responsibility of the session. Under the direction of the session, the deacons should oversee a proposed budget for congregational approval providing for the needs and responsibilities of the congregation including an adequate salary for the pastor and other employees. The deacons should make the congre- gation aware of and encourage giving to other works of the church as reflected in the missions and ministries of presbytery and Synod. Once 【D-30】 |
10. 會議可就長老會認為應引起長老會注意的任何主題向長老會提交一份文件。它可以向長老會提出任何它認為沒有能力處理的教義或紀律困難。此類參考資料應附有問題的完整說明。
* 請參閱羅伯特議事規則。 第 5 章 執事會 1. 執事會的工作是屬靈的服務,是行政性的。該委員會沒有立法權或司法權。在沒有執事的情況下,他們的憐憫和管理事工就屬於長老的職責。 2. 執事們應組成董事會,從自己的成員中選出一名主席和秘書,以及一名財務主管。當執事會認為謹慎時,可以要求會議任命會眾的聖餐成員擔任財務主管。執事們應按規定的時間間隔開會,並以祈禱開始和結束會議。應記錄這些會議的充分記錄。 3. 執事會的職責包括: a. 保持正向的慈悲事工。應該有一個慈善基金來救濟會眾內外有需要的人,無論是基督徒或非基督徒。慈善基金可以透過常規捐款之外的自願捐贈來提供,並可以保存在單獨的帳戶中。會議可以分配與仁慈事工相關的其他任務。 b.監督會眾的財務。這包括接收捐款和其他收入,並準確記錄所有捐款。它還包括確保會眾履行財務義務的責任,並定期向分會和會眾提交財務報告。金融政策和管理的發展應該是會議的責任。 在會議的指導下,執事們應監督擬議的預算,供會眾批准,規定會眾的需要和責任,包括牧師和其他僱員的足夠工資。執事們應該讓會眾意識到並鼓勵為教會的其他工作做出貢獻,這反映在長老會和主教會議的使命和事工中。一次 【D-30】 |