A Brief History of the Covenanters and Psalm Singing 詩篇103-1650年《蘇格蘭聖詠集》(阿卡貝拉 Acapella)
(義大利文 a cappella 直譯為英語是 in chapel, 意思是「在聖堂」) 關於「唯頌詩篇」 (EP: Exclusive Psalmody)在改革宗大家庭中持不同意見的雙方,有極為精彩的論述,請參考:「唯頌詩篇」-鼓勵和保存合乎聖經的敬拜(Exclusive Psalmody-For the Encouragement and Preservation of Biblical Worship )。
我們可以看到改革宗對聖經真理和其實踐的認真態度和處理方式。 |
On Public Worship 約翰索泰爾 牧師 by Pastor John Sawtelle An all too common mistake that Christians make in their thinking about public worship is to imagine that what they themselves find edifying must also be pleasing to God, as long as such worship is offered to God with sincerity and passion. The 16th century Protestant Reformed pastor and theologian, John Calvin, made a similar observation about much of what was passed off as Christian worship in his day when he said,
基督徒所犯的一個實在非常普遍的錯誤就是:他們以為公眾敬拜,就是只要按照誠實和熱情向神敬拜,凡是自己認為有啟發作用的必定就是神所喜悅的。16世紀的新教改革宗牧師和神學家,約翰加爾文,同樣看出當時那些流行的基督教敬拜的錯誤,他說: “I know how difficult it is to persuade the world that God disapproves of all modes of worship not expressly sanctioned by His Word. The opposite persuasion which cleaves to them, being seated, as it were, in their very bones and marrow, is, that whatever they do has in itself a sufficient sanction, provided it exhibits some kind of zeal for the honor of God.” – Necessity of Reforming the Church “我知道要想說服世界,神不贊同沒有經過他的話認可的任何形式的敬拜,是如何的困難。與此相對的信念所堅持的,所存於他們骨髓深處的是:若是為了神的榮耀而表現出熱忱的話,無論做什麼事,這些事的本身就要受到十足的約束。“ -「教會改革的必要性」 Instead of such worship being honoring to God, Calvin candidly stated that it was “vain” and was nothing other than what the apostle condemned as “will worship” (Colossians 2:23). The question is, how could that assessment be described as fair or even charitable, after all, aren’t sincerity and zeal the most important characteristics of worship? 加爾文坦白地指出,沒有受到神的話約束的敬拜是不榮耀神、「虛空」的、是使徒所譴責的「私意崇拜」(西二23)。問題是:這樣的評估公平、有愛心嗎?難道誠心和熱情不是敬拜最重要的特質嗎? Without discounting the importance of heartfelt sincerity, the standard of worship expressed in Scripture prioritizes proper form above all other considerations. That is why the Reformed churches have confessed what is known as the Regulative Principle of Worship for the past several hundred years. Simply put, this principle of worship says that God may be worshiped in no other way than he has commanded in His word(Heidelberg Catechism Q & A 96). In contrast to most all of the contemporary churches, including Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans, and Evangelicals, which all agree in principle that Christians are free to worship God in any way that they desire as long as it is not forbidden by Scripture, the Reformed have insisted that we may only do in worship what God expressly commands. Hardly a moment of reflection is required in order to isolate the basic difference in principle between these two contrasting views of worship. On the one hand, the Reformed maintain that Scripture teaches that the true worship of God consists only of what God has commanded in Scripture, while on the other hand, the opposite principle of worship is that the church may worship in any way not expressly forbidden by God in Scripture. In other words, one says “do only what God has commanded” and the other says “just do it unless God said not to.” Clearly, these two perspectives on worship are completely opposite in principle. 聖經所表明的敬拜標準,不是要把衷心誠意打折扣,而是把敬拜合宜的形式放在首要的位置。這就是改革宗的教會,幾百年以來,一直堅信所謂的「敬拜的規範原則」(RPW-Regulative Principle of Worship)。簡言之,此敬拜原則是說:除了神的話所命令的,不能用任何其他方法來敬拜神(海德堡要理問答,第96問)。當代大多數的教會,包括:羅馬天主教、英國國教、路德宗和福音派,都同意在原則上,只要聖經沒有禁止,基督徒可以按照自己的意思自由地敬拜神。改革宗教會則與此相反,向來堅持只有神所命令的,才能在敬拜中行使。幾乎不需費時,就可以把這兩個相對的敬拜觀點,不同的基本原則區分出來。一方面,改革宗秉持聖經教導,真正的敬拜神只限於神在聖經中所命令的;而另一方面,相對立的敬拜原則則是,教會可用任何形式來敬拜神,只要是神在聖經中沒有明白禁止的。換言之,一方說「只做神所命令的」;另一方說「做吧!除非神禁止」。清楚的是,兩種敬拜的觀點在原則上實是南轅北轍。 Beyond being opposite in principle, these two views are distinguished from each other in another way: one is clearly taught in Scripture and the other is not. Careful study of God’s word shows that it is impossible to find any Biblical support for the idea that God is pleased with worship which He has not commanded. Instead of teaching that the church is free to worship as it pleases, the Bible repeatedly teaches that God is properly worshiped only in accordance with divine commands (Deut. 12:28-32; Lev. 10:3; Matt. 15:7-8; Col. 2:16-23). Furthermore, Scripture records many examples of God expressly judging and condemning worship which He did not command, even though such worship was apparently offered in all sincerity (Genesis 4:1-5; Lev. 10:1-3; 1 Samuel 15:10-23; 2 Samuel 6:1-7). 除了在原則上是對立的之外,這兩個觀點在其他方面也有不同:一個是聖經所清楚教導的,另一個則不是。仔細地研究聖經會發現,要找到支持神喜悅他沒有命令的敬拜方式的經文,幾乎是不可能的。聖經不但沒有教導,教會可以按照自己的喜好自由敬拜,反而一再重複的教導,只有按照神的命令敬拜才是合適的(申12:28~32;利10:3;太15:7~8;西2:16~23)。再者,聖經紀錄了許多例子,講到神明白地審判和定罪那些沒有按照神的命令的敬拜,雖然那些敬拜明顯是出於誠心的(創4:1~5;利10:1~3;撒上15:10~23;撒下6:1~7)。 Since we subscribe to this Regulative Principle of Worship, our aim is to insure that in worship practices conform to Biblical commands. The result of seeking to maintain faithfulness to God and His word is that our worship looks and feels much different than most other churches around us. In our praises, instead of using hymns and songs made by men, we use only the inspired Psalms and Songs composed under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit which are found in Scripture; and in the place of organs, pianos, or guitars and drums, we make melody with our hearts and mouths singing without any musical accompaniment at all (Ephesians 5:19). 因為我們贊同「敬拜的規範原則」,我們的目的是要確保敬拜在實踐上與聖經的命令一致。為了追求和維持對神的話的忠心,其結果使得我們的敬拜看起來,和感覺起來,與我們周圍的多數教會不同。在讚美敬拜中,我們不使用人所寫的詩歌,我們只用聖經中聖靈所默示的《詩篇》;也不用風琴、鋼琴,以及吉他和鼓,而用我們的心和口彈奏歌唱,沒有任何的樂器伴隨(弗5:19)。 Furthermore, rather than fostering a casual, entertainment oriented atmosphere which seeks to please men, we aim to cultivate an atmosphere of reverence and awe which is fitting for worship in the presence of the living God (Heb. 12:28-29). These distinct worship practices are not rooted in a desire to be intentionally different from other churches, or to carve out a market niche, or even to be traditional or “conservative” as opposed to being “contemporary;” rather, they represent a conscious effort to only do in our worship what we find commanded in Scripture. The great blessing of worshiping God in the way He prescribes in His word is that God’s people are edified, and above all, the church has the joyful confidence of knowing that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are actually glorified by its worship. 此外,為了不養成一種隨便的、娛樂性的氣氛來取悅於人,所以我們力圖培養一種崇敬和敬畏的氛圍,因為這是在永活真神面前敬拜所合宜的(來12:28~29)。這些特別的敬拜的實踐,不是要刻意與其他的教會有所不同,或是作市場的區隔,甚至不是要跟隨傳統,或要「保守」不要「現代」;而是:它們表明了一種具認知性的努力,要按照神經中的命令來敬拜神。按照神在他的話中所指示的方式敬拜最大的祝福就是,神的子民領受到教誨。最重要的是,教會可以喜樂地肯定,父、子、聖靈藉著這樣的敬拜真實地得著榮耀。 |