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Covenant of communicant membership
1. 你是否相信新舊約聖經是神的話,是生活和信仰唯一無誤的準則?
Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, the only infallible rule for faith and life?
2. 你是否相信這位獨一永活的真神—--父、子、聖靈,如同聖經中所啟示的?
Do you believe in the one living and true God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as revealed in the Scriptures?
3. 你是否悔改;承認你的罪咎,承認你是抵擋上帝的無助的罪人?承認耶穌基督、神的兒子,是你的主和救主?並願意奉獻自己、服事祂?你是否承諾會努力離棄所有的罪,並使你的生活符合祂的教導?
Do you repent of your sin; confess your guilt and helplessness as a sinner against God; profess Jesus Christ, Son of God, as your Savior and Lord; and dedicate yourself to His service: Do you promise that you will endeavor to forsake all sin, and to conform your life to His teaching and example?
4. 你是否承諾要在主裏順服這個教會的教導和治理?也就是本著聖經,大致上已經被記錄在《北美改革宗長老會憲章》裏的內容。你是否確認你有責任要與教會其他人同工,並承諾要彼此支持、互相鼓勵來服事主?萬一你在生活或教義上有必須受糾正的地方,你是否承諾會尊重教會的權柄和懲戒?
Do you promise to submit in the Lord to the teaching and government of this church as being based upon the Scriptures and described in substance in the Constitution of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America? Do you recognize your responsibility to work with others in the church and do you promise to support and encourage them in their service to the Lord? In case you should need correction in doctrine or life, do you promise to respect the authority and discipline of the church?
5. 為了使你在基督徒生活中能夠長進,你是否承諾會殷勤地閱讀聖經,私下會努力禱告、守主日、有規律地參加主日聚會、領聖餐,並為主的事工奉獻,正如祂要使你亨通一樣?
To the end that you may grow in the Christian life, do you promise that you will diligently read the Bible, engage in private prayer, keep the Lord’s Day, regularly attend the worship services, observe the appointed sacraments, and give to the Lord’s work as He shall prosper you?
6. 你是否定意要在生活的一切關係中,先求神的國和神的義,忠心地履行你作為耶穌基督真正僕人的全部責任,並且使他人歸向祂?
Do you purpose to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness in all the relationships of life, faithfully to perform your whole duty as a true servant of Jesus Christ, and seek to win others to Him?
7. 你是否願意謙卑地倚靠神的恩典,在神面前作這個信仰告白和決定?
Do you make this profession of faith and purpose in the presence of God, in humble reliance upon His grace?
Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, the only infallible rule for faith and life?
2. 你是否相信這位獨一永活的真神—--父、子、聖靈,如同聖經中所啟示的?
Do you believe in the one living and true God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as revealed in the Scriptures?
3. 你是否悔改;承認你的罪咎,承認你是抵擋上帝的無助的罪人?承認耶穌基督、神的兒子,是你的主和救主?並願意奉獻自己、服事祂?你是否承諾會努力離棄所有的罪,並使你的生活符合祂的教導?
Do you repent of your sin; confess your guilt and helplessness as a sinner against God; profess Jesus Christ, Son of God, as your Savior and Lord; and dedicate yourself to His service: Do you promise that you will endeavor to forsake all sin, and to conform your life to His teaching and example?
4. 你是否承諾要在主裏順服這個教會的教導和治理?也就是本著聖經,大致上已經被記錄在《北美改革宗長老會憲章》裏的內容。你是否確認你有責任要與教會其他人同工,並承諾要彼此支持、互相鼓勵來服事主?萬一你在生活或教義上有必須受糾正的地方,你是否承諾會尊重教會的權柄和懲戒?
Do you promise to submit in the Lord to the teaching and government of this church as being based upon the Scriptures and described in substance in the Constitution of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America? Do you recognize your responsibility to work with others in the church and do you promise to support and encourage them in their service to the Lord? In case you should need correction in doctrine or life, do you promise to respect the authority and discipline of the church?
5. 為了使你在基督徒生活中能夠長進,你是否承諾會殷勤地閱讀聖經,私下會努力禱告、守主日、有規律地參加主日聚會、領聖餐,並為主的事工奉獻,正如祂要使你亨通一樣?
To the end that you may grow in the Christian life, do you promise that you will diligently read the Bible, engage in private prayer, keep the Lord’s Day, regularly attend the worship services, observe the appointed sacraments, and give to the Lord’s work as He shall prosper you?
6. 你是否定意要在生活的一切關係中,先求神的國和神的義,忠心地履行你作為耶穌基督真正僕人的全部責任,並且使他人歸向祂?
Do you purpose to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness in all the relationships of life, faithfully to perform your whole duty as a true servant of Jesus Christ, and seek to win others to Him?
7. 你是否願意謙卑地倚靠神的恩典,在神面前作這個信仰告白和決定?
Do you make this profession of faith and purpose in the presence of God, in humble reliance upon His grace?