Self-Study Plan A: Beginner's Level
Reformed Theology: Basic
基本之基本 [ 中文 ] 改革宗神學課本 [Textbooks]
Dr. Stephen Chan ‧陳佐人博士
當代改革宗代表性之系統神學家 - Major Contemporary Reformed Theologians
改革宗信條‧信經‧教義問答 - Creeds, Confessions, and Catechism
趙中輝牧師譯, 《歷代教會信條精選》[Original Title: Ecumenical Creeds and Reformed Confessions and Catechisms]
[ 《歷代基督教信條》, 基督教歷代名著集成, 湯清編, 香港:基督教文藝出版社, 1962 。]
《西敏信條》, 周功和編, 王瑞珍、張聖佳編譯。中華福音神學院出版。
威斯敏特信條‧Westminster Confessions, 1648
約翰‧加爾文 (John Calvin, 1509-1564) - Calvin Studies
約翰‧加爾文,《基督教要義》上, 中, 下冊。 香港基督教文藝出版社,1955 年。[ 節譯]
[ 基督教歷代名著集成/ Christian Classics Library]
John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion. Trans. by John T. McNeill and Ford Lewis Battles. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1960. [The Library of Christian Classics, Vol. 20 (2 vols)]
John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion. Trans. by Henry Beveridge. [1845] Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1989.
麥格夫, 《宗教改革運動思潮》, 陳佐人譯, 香港:基道出版社, 1991 。 [Alister E. McGrath, Reformation Thought: An Introduction. Oxford: Balckwell, 1993.]
I. 啟示論‧上帝論 (Doctrine of Revelation – Doctrine of God)
1. 巴文克 (Herman Bavinck), 《基督教神學》(Our Reasonable Faith), 趙中輝博士譯, 台北︰基督教改革宗翻譯社出版, 1989 年。
Our Reasonable Faith. Trans. by Henry Zystra. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co, 1956. [Distributed by Westminster Discount Book Service]
1. 啟示論 - Doctrine of Revelation
普通啟示 – General Revelation
特殊啟示 – Special Revelation
2. 上帝論 - Doctrine of God
「絕對」屬性 = Incommunicable Attributes = 不可傳通之屬性
「相對」屬性 = Communicable Attributes = 可傳通之屬性
“Bavinck follows the traditional organization of orthodox Reformed theology into 6 loci: doctrine of God, humanity, Christ, salvation, the church, last things.” [Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics: Prolegomenon, p.20]
2. 伯克富 (Louis Berkhof) 著, 《基督教教義史》(History of Christian Doctrine), 趙中輝譯, 台灣基督教改革宗翻譯社, 1984 。[ 國內版: 北京宗教文化出版社, 2000 。]
II. 救贖論‧人論 (Doctrine of Redemption– Doctrine of Man)
John Murray, 1898-1975
Redemption: Accomplished & Applied. P &R, 1955.
中譯 : 慕理著 , 《再思救贖奇恩》 ( 天道 , 1993)
Covenant of Grace: A Biblico-Theological Study. P & R, 1988.
中譯: 麥約翰, 《恩典之約》(1966)
Behind A Frowning Providence. 中譯: 穆雷, 《神的護理》(1994)
救恩次序‧Order Salutis
My Reflection on Ordo Salutis
IV. 教會論 - Doctrine of Church
R.B. Kuiper 著, 趙中輝牧師譯, 《基督榮耀的身體—教會論》。台北︰基督教改革宗翻譯社出版, 1994 。
巴文克 (Herman Bavinck), 《基督教神學》(Our Reasonable Faith), Ch.23: The Church of Christ 第23 章︰基督的教會
V. 末世論 - Doctrine of Last Things
VII. 宗教哲學‧ Philosophy of Religion
普蘭丁格, 《基督教信念的知識地位》, 北京大學出版社, 2004 年。
Alvin Plantinga, Warranted Christian Belief. Oxford University Press, 2000.
My Recommended Reading List
Samuel Ling - China Horizon
林慈信 -- 中華展望
July 2002
Email 電郵 : [email protected] 中文網站﹕
Bible Versions and Study Bibles 聖經版本﹐研讀版聖經
Bible Study Aids 查經技巧﹐材料
How to Interpret the Bible 釋經
Bible Dictionaries 聖經詞典
Bible Commentaries 聖經注釋
Topical Analysis of the Bible 主題彙編
Theological Dictionaries 神學詞典
Bible Surveys 聖經綜覽
Bible Introduction (Background) 聖經入門
(Evangelical) Biblical Theology ( 正統 ) 聖經神學
Doctrine: Creeds, Catechisms and Study Guides 教義﹕信條﹐信仰告白﹐信仰問答
Textbooks on Systematic Theology 系統神學教科書
Systematic Theology: Themes 系統神學﹕專題
Church History 教會歷史
Apologetics 護教學
Modern Thought and Modern Theology 現代思潮﹐現代神學
Postmodernism and Paganism 後現代與異教文化
Pastoral Ministry and Counseling 教牧學﹐輔導
Evangelism and Discipleship 佈道﹐門徒訓練
Missions, Culture, Anthropology 宣教學﹐文化﹐人類學
Audiotapes and Videotapes 錄音帶﹐錄影帶
Bookstores, Wholesale Distributors, Publishers 書店﹐出版社
Periodicals 期刊
Distributors of Audiotapes and Videotapes 錄音帶﹐錄影帶出售處
Theological Seminaries 神學院
My Recommended Reading List
For many years, the standard Reformed textbook is Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1939; reprinted in numerous editions). The contemporary edition has included another work, formerly called The Introductory Volume, along with Systematic Theology. You should buy this combined one-volume edition whenever possible! It is well worth the US $35-40 investment.
Dr. Berkhof taught systematic theology for many years at Calvin Seminary, and can be considered a 20 th century “heir” to Charles Hodge (see below). Berkhof has written another “companion volume”: A History of Christian Doctrines (translated as: Ji du jiao jiao yi shi 《基督教教義史》 , Taipei: Reformation Translation Fellowship ( 改革宗翻譯社 , 1984). Solid, comprehensive, succinct.
These three books should be used together.
Berkhof has written a shorter version, A Manual of Christian Doctrine, which has been translated by Rev. Charles Chao 趙中輝 of the Reformation Translation Fellowship, entitled Ji Du Jiao Jiao Yi Gai Lun 《基督教教義概論》 (Taipei: Reformation Translation Fellowship 改革宗翻譯社 , 1974). English version is still in print.
A still shorter version is A Summary of Christian Doctrine (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 1938, reprinted numerous times), published by Tien Dao Publishers in Hong Kong as Ji Du Jiao Jiao Yi Gai Yao 《基督教教義概要》 (Hong Kong: Tien Dao Publishing House 天道書樓 , 1978, 1983, 1986). English version is in print both in Britain and in North America . A must buy!
Two standard works on systematic theology are probably too long for the beginner, but a worthwhile investment for future study: John Calvin 加爾文﹐ Institutes of the Christian Religion (tr. Ford Lewis Battles; Philadelphia : Westminster Press, 1960; 2 volumes), and Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology ( Grand Rapids , MI : William B. Eerdmans, many editions, 3 volumes; there is a one-volume abridged edition). Calvin’s work is unparalled; you can buy a Chinese excerpted version in the Ji Du Jiao Li Dai Ming Zhu Ji Cheng 基督教歷代名著集成 (Christian Classics Library) series, published by Chinese Christian Literature Council 基督教文藝出版社 , Hong Kong. The Chinese title is Ji Du Jiao Yao Yi 《基督教要義》 . (volumes 5-6 of the series).
Charles Hodge 賀治 was systematic theology professor at Princeton Seminary in the 19 th century; although many people would no longer use his “arguments from experience,” and many cannot read the Latin sections of the 3 volume text, Hodge remains a tower of strength defending the orthodox, Reformed, evangelical positions. Fortunately for 21 st century readers, there is now a one-volume abridged version. The passages in Latin have been deleted, the resulting work is much easier to use!
For the average, beginning student (seminarian, layperson or Sunday School teacher), two easier one-volume texts are: James M.
Boice, Foundations of Christian Faith (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1986; formerly 4 volumes), and Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994). Boice is pastor at Tenth Presbyterian Church, and a staunch defender and able expositor of Bible doctrines. He follows the same outline as Calvin’s Institutes. Parts I, II and III of Boice has been translated into Chinese as: Quan quan zhi shen 《全權之神》 [The Sovereign God] (Milltown, NJ: Christian Renewal Ministries); Jiu shu zhi shen 《救贖之神》 [God the Redeemer] (Milltown, NJ: Christian Renewal Ministries, 1997); and Xiang shen jue xing 《向神覺醒》 [Awakening to God] (Milltown, NJ: Christian Renewal Ministries 更新傳道會 , 1999).
Grudem is Reformed, and sympathetic to certain themes in the contemporary charismatic movement. Grudem adds a hymn at the end of every chapter, and his sectional headings are framed in questions; highly readable! There is now a shorter version by Grudem, called Bible Doctrine. Beginners can consider either the longer or shorter work!
Chinese-readers should be encouraged to know that Dr. Luke Lu 呂沛淵 (Lu Pei yuan) has written a three volume work called Ji yao shen xue 《 基要神學》 (Essential Theology I, II, III), which has been published by Overseas Campus Magazine ( 海外校園 , Lomita, California) and Campus Evangelical Fellowship ( 校園出版社 , Taipei). This is the newest brief introduction to systematic theology for the beginner!
Doctrine of the Knowledge of God / Doctrine of Revelation / Doctrine of Scripture 認識神﹐啟示論﹐聖經論
John Frame, The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1987). Translation into Chinese currently in progress, China Horizon 中華展望 .
J. I. Packer, Fundamentalism and the Word of God (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1958). Chinese: Ji yao zhu yi yu shen di dao 《基要主義與神的道》 (Hong Kong: Christian Communications Ltd. 福音證主協會 , 1962). An earlier defense of the authority of Scripture, in response to a liberal Anglican bishop’s attack on evangelicals (the latter wrote Fundamentalism and the Church of God).
J. I. Packer, Truth and Power: The Place of Scripture in the Christian Life. Wheaton , IL : Harold Shaw, 1996. Reprint by Inter Varsity Press. A recent review of the doctrine of biblical inerrancy, as well as a presentation of the history of the contemporary inerrancy movement, set against the background of so-called “evangelical” and non-evangelical views of Scripture.
E.J. Young, Thy Word Is Truth (Banner of Truth), reprint of a classic on inspiration and inerrancy.
The Infallible Word , by the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary. Also by Westminster ’s faculty: Scripture and Confession. Inquire at:
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy 芝加哥聖經無誤宣言 (1978). Available at 中文譯本已收在《無誤聖經》 ( 中華展望﹐ 2002) 。
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics, with commentary by Norman Geisler. 中文譯本收在《無誤聖經》 (2002) 。
R.C. Sproul, Explaining Inerrancy. Several editions.
Sheng jing: shi dai di jian zheng 《聖經﹕時代的見證》 (The Bible: A Contemporary testimony), Hong Kong: Scripture Press 讀經會 . Contemporary articles expounding the Doctrine of Scripture.
Kevin Vanhoozer, Is There A Meaning In This Text? – hermeneutic interaction with the postmodern philosopher, Jacques Derrida. Very important evangelical defense of the doctrine of Scripture.
Doctrine of God 神論
J. I. Packer 巴刻 , Knowing God (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1973). Chinese: Ren shi shen 《認識神》 (Hong Kong: Christian Communications Ltd. 福音證主協會 , 1979).
J. I. Packer, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1961). Chinese: Chuan fu yin yu shen di zhu quan 《傳福音與神的
主權》 (Reformation Translation Fellowship 改革宗翻譯社 ).
Stephen Charnock, The Existence and Attributes of God. Unparalled Puritan work (Banner of Truth), heavy going.
R.C. Sproul’s books, e.g. One Holy Passion, and his videotapes on either the attributes of God, or the holiness of God. (Ligonier Ministries)
Doctrine of Man, Manhood and Womanhood, Culture, Anthropology
Abraham Kuyper, Lectures on Calvinism (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1931; still in print).
Anthony Hoekema has written a number of individual works on various doctrines, including the doctrine of man.
Two books on the meaning of womanhood and the role of women are: Susan Foh, Women and the Word of God (Presbyterian and Reformed, 19779), and James Hurley, Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective (Zondervan, 1981). William Hendriksen/Simon Kistemaker, New Testament Commentaries: I Corinthians (Baker) discusses the role of women in the church in the relevant sections; it is contemporary, and interacts with contemporary feminist schools of thought.
Harvie M. Conn, Eternal Word and Changing Worlds: Anthropology, Theology and Mission in Trialogue. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1982.)
Doctrine of Salvation 救贖論
John Murray, The Imputation of Adam’s Sin (Presbyterian and Reformed) is a classic treatment of the doctrine of sin: that we all have sinned IN Adam, WITH Adam, in the one sin by the one man. A short, serious exegesis of Romans 5:12-21. Also consult Murray ’s commentary on Romans, at chapter 5. 中文在翻譯中 ( 中華展望 ) 。
Sinclair Ferguson, The Christian Life: A Doctrinal Introduction (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust, 1981). China Horizon is publishing the simplified-Chinese script version of this book in 2001 ﹕《磐石之上》 ( 中華展望﹐ 2001 年六月 .)
John Murray, The Atonement. Brief, solid.
John Owen, The Death of Death in the Death of Christ. Introduction by J.I. Packer (Banner of Truth). Owen is solid and difficult to read; Packer’s introduction is well worth the price of the book.
John Murray, Redemption Accomplished and Applied (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1955). Chinese translation: Zai si jiu shu qi en 《 再思救贖奇恩》 (Hong Kong: Tien Dao 天道 , 1993). Unparalleled classic.
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 聖靈論
John Owen, The Holy Spirit. Banner of Truth has published an abridged version which has also been made easy to read. 中文在翻譯中 ( 中華展望 ) 。
Sinclair Ferguson and Martyn-Lloyd Jones have both written solid books on the Holy Spirit.
For treatment on how the Holy Spirit works in sanctification and on the charismatic movement, a must-read is J.I. Packer 巴刻 , Keep In Step with the Spirit (Revell; Chinese: Huo zai sheng jing zhong 《活在聖靈中》 ). Packer treats the Wesleyan-Methodist view, the Keswick Movement view, and the charismatic movement view critically, pastorally and irenically. Packer’s own view is the Augustinian view.
Doctrine of the Church 教會論
Edmund P. Clowney, The Church (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1995).
Easy to read, solidly based on biblical theology.
Kuiper, The Glorious Body of Christ. Chinese translation: Ji du rong yao di shen ti 《基督榮耀的身體》 (Taipei: Reformation Translation Fellowship 改革宗翻譯社 , 1994).
Doctrine of the Last Things 末世論
Robert G. Clouse, ed., The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views. Downers Grove , IL : Inter Varsity Press, 1977. Chinese: Qian xi nian si guan 《 千禧年四
觀》 (Taipei: China Evangelical Seminary 中華福音神學院 , 1977).
William Hendriksen, Israel in Prophecy (Chinese: yu yan yu yi se lie 《預言與
以色列》 , Tien Dao Publishers 天道書樓 ).
全文完 --- The End]
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當代改革宗代表性之系統神學家 - Major Contemporary Reformed Theologians
- 賀智‧ Charles Hodge (1797-1878) – 美國
- 凱波爾‧Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) – 荷蘭
- 沃爾菲特‧B.B. Warfield (1851-1921) – 美國
- 巴文克‧Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) – 荷蘭
- 伯克富‧Louis Berkhof (1873-1957) – 荷蘭
- 梅欽‧J. Gresham Machen (1881-1937) – 美國
- 范泰爾‧Cornelius Van Til (1895-1987) ) – 美/ 荷
- 麥約翰‧John Murray (1898-1975) – 美國
- 普蘭丁格‧Alvin Plantinga (1932- ) – 美國
改革宗信條‧信經‧教義問答 - Creeds, Confessions, and Catechism
趙中輝牧師譯, 《歷代教會信條精選》[Original Title: Ecumenical Creeds and Reformed Confessions and Catechisms]
- 比利時信條‧Belgic Confessions, 1561
- 海德堡要理問答‧Heidelberg Catechism, 1563
- 多特信經‧Canons of Dort, 1618
[ 《歷代基督教信條》, 基督教歷代名著集成, 湯清編, 香港:基督教文藝出版社, 1962 。]
《西敏信條》, 周功和編, 王瑞珍、張聖佳編譯。中華福音神學院出版。
威斯敏特信條‧Westminster Confessions, 1648
約翰‧加爾文 (John Calvin, 1509-1564) - Calvin Studies
約翰‧加爾文,《基督教要義》上, 中, 下冊。 香港基督教文藝出版社,1955 年。[ 節譯]
[ 基督教歷代名著集成/ Christian Classics Library]
John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion. Trans. by John T. McNeill and Ford Lewis Battles. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1960. [The Library of Christian Classics, Vol. 20 (2 vols)]
John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion. Trans. by Henry Beveridge. [1845] Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1989.
麥格夫, 《宗教改革運動思潮》, 陳佐人譯, 香港:基道出版社, 1991 。 [Alister E. McGrath, Reformation Thought: An Introduction. Oxford: Balckwell, 1993.]
I. 啟示論‧上帝論 (Doctrine of Revelation – Doctrine of God)
1. 巴文克 (Herman Bavinck), 《基督教神學》(Our Reasonable Faith), 趙中輝博士譯, 台北︰基督教改革宗翻譯社出版, 1989 年。
Our Reasonable Faith. Trans. by Henry Zystra. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Co, 1956. [Distributed by Westminster Discount Book Service]
1. 啟示論 - Doctrine of Revelation
普通啟示 – General Revelation
特殊啟示 – Special Revelation
2. 上帝論 - Doctrine of God
「絕對」屬性 = Incommunicable Attributes = 不可傳通之屬性
「相對」屬性 = Communicable Attributes = 可傳通之屬性
“Bavinck follows the traditional organization of orthodox Reformed theology into 6 loci: doctrine of God, humanity, Christ, salvation, the church, last things.” [Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics: Prolegomenon, p.20]
2. 伯克富 (Louis Berkhof) 著, 《基督教教義史》(History of Christian Doctrine), 趙中輝譯, 台灣基督教改革宗翻譯社, 1984 。[ 國內版: 北京宗教文化出版社, 2000 。]
II. 救贖論‧人論 (Doctrine of Redemption– Doctrine of Man)
John Murray, 1898-1975
Redemption: Accomplished & Applied. P &R, 1955.
中譯 : 慕理著 , 《再思救贖奇恩》 ( 天道 , 1993)
Covenant of Grace: A Biblico-Theological Study. P & R, 1988.
中譯: 麥約翰, 《恩典之約》(1966)
Behind A Frowning Providence. 中譯: 穆雷, 《神的護理》(1994)
救恩次序‧Order Salutis
- 有效的呼召‧Effectual Calling
- 重生‧ Regeneration
- 信心与悔改‧ Faith and Repentance
- 稱義‧ Justification
- 立嗣‧ Adoption as Heir
- 成聖‧ Sanctification
- 堅忍‧ Perseverance
- 与基督聯合‧ Union with Christ
- 得榮耀‧ Glorification
My Reflection on Ordo Salutis
- No definite Ordo Salutis in John Calvin.
- Absolute Priority than “Steps” [Regeneration > Conversion]
- “Illustrative” rather than “exhaustive”
- Calvin ≠ Calvinism
IV. 教會論 - Doctrine of Church
R.B. Kuiper 著, 趙中輝牧師譯, 《基督榮耀的身體—教會論》。台北︰基督教改革宗翻譯社出版, 1994 。
巴文克 (Herman Bavinck), 《基督教神學》(Our Reasonable Faith), Ch.23: The Church of Christ 第23 章︰基督的教會
V. 末世論 - Doctrine of Last Things
VII. 宗教哲學‧ Philosophy of Religion
普蘭丁格, 《基督教信念的知識地位》, 北京大學出版社, 2004 年。
Alvin Plantinga, Warranted Christian Belief. Oxford University Press, 2000.
My Recommended Reading List
Samuel Ling - China Horizon
林慈信 -- 中華展望
July 2002
Email 電郵 : [email protected] 中文網站﹕
Bible Versions and Study Bibles 聖經版本﹐研讀版聖經
Bible Study Aids 查經技巧﹐材料
How to Interpret the Bible 釋經
Bible Dictionaries 聖經詞典
Bible Commentaries 聖經注釋
Topical Analysis of the Bible 主題彙編
Theological Dictionaries 神學詞典
Bible Surveys 聖經綜覽
Bible Introduction (Background) 聖經入門
(Evangelical) Biblical Theology ( 正統 ) 聖經神學
Doctrine: Creeds, Catechisms and Study Guides 教義﹕信條﹐信仰告白﹐信仰問答
Textbooks on Systematic Theology 系統神學教科書
Systematic Theology: Themes 系統神學﹕專題
Church History 教會歷史
Apologetics 護教學
Modern Thought and Modern Theology 現代思潮﹐現代神學
Postmodernism and Paganism 後現代與異教文化
Pastoral Ministry and Counseling 教牧學﹐輔導
Evangelism and Discipleship 佈道﹐門徒訓練
Missions, Culture, Anthropology 宣教學﹐文化﹐人類學
Audiotapes and Videotapes 錄音帶﹐錄影帶
Bookstores, Wholesale Distributors, Publishers 書店﹐出版社
Periodicals 期刊
Distributors of Audiotapes and Videotapes 錄音帶﹐錄影帶出售處
Theological Seminaries 神學院
My Recommended Reading List
For many years, the standard Reformed textbook is Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1939; reprinted in numerous editions). The contemporary edition has included another work, formerly called The Introductory Volume, along with Systematic Theology. You should buy this combined one-volume edition whenever possible! It is well worth the US $35-40 investment.
Dr. Berkhof taught systematic theology for many years at Calvin Seminary, and can be considered a 20 th century “heir” to Charles Hodge (see below). Berkhof has written another “companion volume”: A History of Christian Doctrines (translated as: Ji du jiao jiao yi shi 《基督教教義史》 , Taipei: Reformation Translation Fellowship ( 改革宗翻譯社 , 1984). Solid, comprehensive, succinct.
These three books should be used together.
Berkhof has written a shorter version, A Manual of Christian Doctrine, which has been translated by Rev. Charles Chao 趙中輝 of the Reformation Translation Fellowship, entitled Ji Du Jiao Jiao Yi Gai Lun 《基督教教義概論》 (Taipei: Reformation Translation Fellowship 改革宗翻譯社 , 1974). English version is still in print.
A still shorter version is A Summary of Christian Doctrine (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 1938, reprinted numerous times), published by Tien Dao Publishers in Hong Kong as Ji Du Jiao Jiao Yi Gai Yao 《基督教教義概要》 (Hong Kong: Tien Dao Publishing House 天道書樓 , 1978, 1983, 1986). English version is in print both in Britain and in North America . A must buy!
Two standard works on systematic theology are probably too long for the beginner, but a worthwhile investment for future study: John Calvin 加爾文﹐ Institutes of the Christian Religion (tr. Ford Lewis Battles; Philadelphia : Westminster Press, 1960; 2 volumes), and Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology ( Grand Rapids , MI : William B. Eerdmans, many editions, 3 volumes; there is a one-volume abridged edition). Calvin’s work is unparalled; you can buy a Chinese excerpted version in the Ji Du Jiao Li Dai Ming Zhu Ji Cheng 基督教歷代名著集成 (Christian Classics Library) series, published by Chinese Christian Literature Council 基督教文藝出版社 , Hong Kong. The Chinese title is Ji Du Jiao Yao Yi 《基督教要義》 . (volumes 5-6 of the series).
Charles Hodge 賀治 was systematic theology professor at Princeton Seminary in the 19 th century; although many people would no longer use his “arguments from experience,” and many cannot read the Latin sections of the 3 volume text, Hodge remains a tower of strength defending the orthodox, Reformed, evangelical positions. Fortunately for 21 st century readers, there is now a one-volume abridged version. The passages in Latin have been deleted, the resulting work is much easier to use!
For the average, beginning student (seminarian, layperson or Sunday School teacher), two easier one-volume texts are: James M.
Boice, Foundations of Christian Faith (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1986; formerly 4 volumes), and Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994). Boice is pastor at Tenth Presbyterian Church, and a staunch defender and able expositor of Bible doctrines. He follows the same outline as Calvin’s Institutes. Parts I, II and III of Boice has been translated into Chinese as: Quan quan zhi shen 《全權之神》 [The Sovereign God] (Milltown, NJ: Christian Renewal Ministries); Jiu shu zhi shen 《救贖之神》 [God the Redeemer] (Milltown, NJ: Christian Renewal Ministries, 1997); and Xiang shen jue xing 《向神覺醒》 [Awakening to God] (Milltown, NJ: Christian Renewal Ministries 更新傳道會 , 1999).
Grudem is Reformed, and sympathetic to certain themes in the contemporary charismatic movement. Grudem adds a hymn at the end of every chapter, and his sectional headings are framed in questions; highly readable! There is now a shorter version by Grudem, called Bible Doctrine. Beginners can consider either the longer or shorter work!
Chinese-readers should be encouraged to know that Dr. Luke Lu 呂沛淵 (Lu Pei yuan) has written a three volume work called Ji yao shen xue 《 基要神學》 (Essential Theology I, II, III), which has been published by Overseas Campus Magazine ( 海外校園 , Lomita, California) and Campus Evangelical Fellowship ( 校園出版社 , Taipei). This is the newest brief introduction to systematic theology for the beginner!
Doctrine of the Knowledge of God / Doctrine of Revelation / Doctrine of Scripture 認識神﹐啟示論﹐聖經論
John Frame, The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God (Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1987). Translation into Chinese currently in progress, China Horizon 中華展望 .
J. I. Packer, Fundamentalism and the Word of God (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1958). Chinese: Ji yao zhu yi yu shen di dao 《基要主義與神的道》 (Hong Kong: Christian Communications Ltd. 福音證主協會 , 1962). An earlier defense of the authority of Scripture, in response to a liberal Anglican bishop’s attack on evangelicals (the latter wrote Fundamentalism and the Church of God).
J. I. Packer, Truth and Power: The Place of Scripture in the Christian Life. Wheaton , IL : Harold Shaw, 1996. Reprint by Inter Varsity Press. A recent review of the doctrine of biblical inerrancy, as well as a presentation of the history of the contemporary inerrancy movement, set against the background of so-called “evangelical” and non-evangelical views of Scripture.
E.J. Young, Thy Word Is Truth (Banner of Truth), reprint of a classic on inspiration and inerrancy.
The Infallible Word , by the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary. Also by Westminster ’s faculty: Scripture and Confession. Inquire at:
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy 芝加哥聖經無誤宣言 (1978). Available at 中文譯本已收在《無誤聖經》 ( 中華展望﹐ 2002) 。
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Hermeneutics, with commentary by Norman Geisler. 中文譯本收在《無誤聖經》 (2002) 。
R.C. Sproul, Explaining Inerrancy. Several editions.
Sheng jing: shi dai di jian zheng 《聖經﹕時代的見證》 (The Bible: A Contemporary testimony), Hong Kong: Scripture Press 讀經會 . Contemporary articles expounding the Doctrine of Scripture.
Kevin Vanhoozer, Is There A Meaning In This Text? – hermeneutic interaction with the postmodern philosopher, Jacques Derrida. Very important evangelical defense of the doctrine of Scripture.
Doctrine of God 神論
J. I. Packer 巴刻 , Knowing God (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1973). Chinese: Ren shi shen 《認識神》 (Hong Kong: Christian Communications Ltd. 福音證主協會 , 1979).
J. I. Packer, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1961). Chinese: Chuan fu yin yu shen di zhu quan 《傳福音與神的
主權》 (Reformation Translation Fellowship 改革宗翻譯社 ).
Stephen Charnock, The Existence and Attributes of God. Unparalled Puritan work (Banner of Truth), heavy going.
- Pink, The Attributes of God, and The Sovereignty of God.
R.C. Sproul’s books, e.g. One Holy Passion, and his videotapes on either the attributes of God, or the holiness of God. (Ligonier Ministries)
Doctrine of Man, Manhood and Womanhood, Culture, Anthropology
Abraham Kuyper, Lectures on Calvinism (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1931; still in print).
Anthony Hoekema has written a number of individual works on various doctrines, including the doctrine of man.
Two books on the meaning of womanhood and the role of women are: Susan Foh, Women and the Word of God (Presbyterian and Reformed, 19779), and James Hurley, Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective (Zondervan, 1981). William Hendriksen/Simon Kistemaker, New Testament Commentaries: I Corinthians (Baker) discusses the role of women in the church in the relevant sections; it is contemporary, and interacts with contemporary feminist schools of thought.
Harvie M. Conn, Eternal Word and Changing Worlds: Anthropology, Theology and Mission in Trialogue. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1982.)
Doctrine of Salvation 救贖論
John Murray, The Imputation of Adam’s Sin (Presbyterian and Reformed) is a classic treatment of the doctrine of sin: that we all have sinned IN Adam, WITH Adam, in the one sin by the one man. A short, serious exegesis of Romans 5:12-21. Also consult Murray ’s commentary on Romans, at chapter 5. 中文在翻譯中 ( 中華展望 ) 。
Sinclair Ferguson, The Christian Life: A Doctrinal Introduction (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth Trust, 1981). China Horizon is publishing the simplified-Chinese script version of this book in 2001 ﹕《磐石之上》 ( 中華展望﹐ 2001 年六月 .)
John Murray, The Atonement. Brief, solid.
John Owen, The Death of Death in the Death of Christ. Introduction by J.I. Packer (Banner of Truth). Owen is solid and difficult to read; Packer’s introduction is well worth the price of the book.
John Murray, Redemption Accomplished and Applied (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1955). Chinese translation: Zai si jiu shu qi en 《 再思救贖奇恩》 (Hong Kong: Tien Dao 天道 , 1993). Unparalleled classic.
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 聖靈論
John Owen, The Holy Spirit. Banner of Truth has published an abridged version which has also been made easy to read. 中文在翻譯中 ( 中華展望 ) 。
Sinclair Ferguson and Martyn-Lloyd Jones have both written solid books on the Holy Spirit.
For treatment on how the Holy Spirit works in sanctification and on the charismatic movement, a must-read is J.I. Packer 巴刻 , Keep In Step with the Spirit (Revell; Chinese: Huo zai sheng jing zhong 《活在聖靈中》 ). Packer treats the Wesleyan-Methodist view, the Keswick Movement view, and the charismatic movement view critically, pastorally and irenically. Packer’s own view is the Augustinian view.
Doctrine of the Church 教會論
Edmund P. Clowney, The Church (Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press, 1995).
Easy to read, solidly based on biblical theology.
Kuiper, The Glorious Body of Christ. Chinese translation: Ji du rong yao di shen ti 《基督榮耀的身體》 (Taipei: Reformation Translation Fellowship 改革宗翻譯社 , 1994).
Doctrine of the Last Things 末世論
Robert G. Clouse, ed., The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views. Downers Grove , IL : Inter Varsity Press, 1977. Chinese: Qian xi nian si guan 《 千禧年四
觀》 (Taipei: China Evangelical Seminary 中華福音神學院 , 1977).
William Hendriksen, Israel in Prophecy (Chinese: yu yan yu yi se lie 《預言與
以色列》 , Tien Dao Publishers 天道書樓 ).
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