By the turn of the 20th century, Benson had become a leading authority in Reformed hymnology. His personal library, in fact, eventually contained over 9,000 volumes. In 1907, Benson delivered Princeton Theological Seminary’s L.P. Stone Lectures, and his series of talks concerned the topic of congregational singing in the Calvinist tradition. Most of the lectures concern the development of church music in Geneva during John Calvin’s lifetime.
Kathleen O'Bannon
CCEL Staff
Kathleen O'Bannon
CCEL Staff
二十世紀初,班生(Louis Fitzgerald Benson)就已經是一位在改革宗詩歌研究方面的領導權威。他但個人收藏,事實上包含了9,000多套詩歌集。1907年班生於普林斯頓神學院的史東講座(L. P. Stone Lecture)發表了一系列的演說,其主題是:加爾文傳統中教會的敬拜頌唱。大部分的演說都關注於加爾文生平時代在日內瓦的教會音樂的發展。
凱薩琳 奧班倫
凱薩琳 奧班倫
目錄 I. The Historical Background 歷史背景 II. The Situation at Geneva and Calvin's Proposals 日內瓦的景況和加爾文的提案 III. Inauguration Of the Calvinistic Psalmody at Strassburg 加爾文的《讚美詩篇》在司特拉斯堡啟用 IV. Clement Marot and the Court Psalmody 克里門馬拉特和廳堂詩篇 V. Inauguration of Psalmody at Geneva 《讚美詩篇》在日內瓦啟用 VI. The Genevan Psalter: Calvin, Marot and Beza 《日內瓦詩篇》:加爾文,馬拉特和布札 VII. The Melodies of the Genevan Psalter 《日內瓦詩篇》的旋律 VIII. Spread of the Genevan Psalmody in France 《日內瓦詩篇》在法國的普及發展 IX. The Psalmody of the Reformed Churches of France 法國改革宗教會的讚美詩篇 X. Calvin: His Relations to Metrical Psalmody and Church Music 加爾文:他與配旋律之讚美詩篇和教會的關係 XI. Appendix: The Decline of Psalmody in France-Speaking Reformed Churches 附註:讚美詩篇在說法語的改革宗教會之衰落 |