Baptism of an adult
18 耶穌進前來,對他們說:“天上地下所有的權柄都賜給我了。19 所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。20 凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了。” Instruction About Baptism
洗禮的說明 洗禮是主耶穌基督設立的聖禮。洗禮是人藉著受洗被納入恩典之約的印記和記號。水的洗禮教導我們:我們和我們的兒女在懷胎和出生時都在罪中。洗禮象徵藉著與基督的死和復活的聯合,我們對罪是死的,並且復活有新生命的樣式。洗禮也一個記號,象徵藉著基督的寶血和聖靈,我們的罪被洗淨了。因為,這些救贖的恩賜是出於三一神恩典的供應,是神樂意宣告我們是屬於祂的,所以我們按父、子、聖靈的名受洗。接受洗禮的人被呼召出來承受聖約的責任;洗禮呼召我們離棄罪和世界,並且謙卑地與我們的神同行,熱愛祂的命令。 Challenge to the Congregation
對會眾的挑戰 為了預備見證這莊嚴的施行洗禮,每一位已經接受洗禮的信徒要思想自己的洗禮,這是智慧和合宜的,並且為冒犯了他們聖約的神所犯的罪而悔改,為激勵他們的信心,使得他們所受的洗禮產生和增進正確的果效。西敏斯特大要理問答,第167問,驅使我們思想我們的責任,增進我們自己所受的洗禮的果效。當問到:「如何可以使我們的洗禮更加有效呢?」這個問題的答案就是: 增進我們洗禮的果效,是一個最被忽略的責任。這個責任要求我們一生都要實行,特別是在受試探的時候。以及在我們參與其他人接受洗禮的時候,我們要以嚴肅的和感恩的態度來思想洗禮的本質,思想基督設立洗禮的目的,思想洗禮所代表的權益和福祉,以及思想我們接受洗禮時所立下的誓言;我們要謙卑地認識我們被罪的玷污,認識我們沒有達到,並且悖逆了洗禮的恩典以及我們的承諾;我們要在赦罪的保證下成長,以及在此聖禮中所應許給我們的其他恩典中成長;我們要從基督的死和復活得著力量,因為我們是受洗歸入基督的;我們要治死罪,並且在恩典中復活;我們要努力地靠著信心生活,在聖潔和義中與人交通,如同那些為基督捨棄自己的名的人,並且在弟兄相愛中行事為人,因為我們都是受洗成為同一個身體的。 Queries for the Baptismal Candidate
受洗禮者的問答 我們已經聽到這些教導,知道我們有責任要增進我們所受的洗禮的果效, 現在讓我邀請___________到前面來,起誓成為聖約的成員,並且領受聖潔的洗禮禮儀。 1-你相信舊約和新約聖經是神的話,是生活和信心唯一無誤的準則嗎? 2-你是否相信這位獨一永活的真神—--父、子、聖靈,如同聖經中所啟示的? 3-你是否悔改;承認你的罪咎,承認你是抵擋上帝的無助的罪人?承認耶穌基督、神的兒子,是你的主和救主?並願意奉獻自己、服事祂?你是否承諾會努力離棄所有的罪,並使你的生活符合祂的教導? 4-你是否承諾要在主裏順服這個教會的教導和治理?也就是本著聖經,大致上已經被記錄在《北美改革宗長老會憲章》的內容裡。你是否確認你有責任要與教會其他人同工,並承諾要彼此支持、互相鼓勵來服事主?萬一你在生活或教義上有必須受糾正的地方,你是否承諾會尊重教會的權柄和勸戒? 5-為了使你在基督徒生活中長進,你是否承諾會殷勤地閱讀聖經,私下會努力禱告、守主日、有規律地參加主日聚會、領聖餐,並為主的事工奉獻,正如祂要使你興旺一樣? 6-你是否定意要在生活的一切關係中,先求神的國和神的義,忠心地履行你作為耶穌基督真正僕人的全部責任,並且使他人歸向祂? 7-你是否願意謙卑地倚靠神的恩典,在神面前作這個信仰告白和決定? Administration of the Sacrament
聖禮的施行 請大家起立!作為本教會的成員,你們是否接納這位弟兄/姐妹成為「聖約聖餐的成員」,與他交通並為他/她禱告,在基督徒的生活中幫助他/她和鼓勵他/她。 這樣,我們就要施行這項神所頒布的聖潔的命令,這是為了神的榮耀,為了我們的安慰,並且也為了教導教會。現在讓我們呼求祂的聖名: 全能永恆的神,你曾經按照你嚴厲的審判,用洪水懲處了不信和不悔改的世界;你也按照你的洪恩拯救和保守了信你的挪亞和他全家;你曾用水在紅海中,淹沒了法老王和他所有的軍隊,你也引導你的子民從乾地上經過紅海——這都象徵著洗禮——我們祈求你,在你無限的憐憫中,在恩典裡保守這位弟兄(姐妹),藉著聖靈把他納入你兒子耶穌基督裡面,以至於他可以藉著洗禮,與基督一同埋葬進入基督的死,並且與基督一同復活,有新生命的樣式;以至於他每天都可以跟隨基督,並以喜樂的心背負他的十字架,以真實的信心,穩固的盼望,熱烈的愛心與基督連合;以至於他在基督裡因信心得著安慰,得以在離開虛無死亡的此生時,在末後的日子,能坦然無懼地站在你的兒子基督的審判寶座前。藉著基督,我們的主耶穌,祂與你和聖靈是唯一的神,永遠活著,永遠掌權。我們現在要把這水從一般的用途分別出來,作為聖禮之用,按照主耶穌基督,教會的君王和元首的名。阿門! 接著,牧師就可以施行洗禮,呼叫他的名字説: 我按照父、子、聖靈,獨一的神的名使你_____________領受洗禮,阿門! Prayer of Thanksgiving and Blessing
感謝和祝福的禱告 全能的神、憐憫的父,我們感謝讚美你,藉著你愛子耶穌基督的寶血,你赦免了我們的罪,並藉著你的聖靈,接納我們成為你獨生子裡的成員,成為你的後裔兒女,並用聖潔的洗禮作為此事的印記。我們求你,藉著基督,你的愛子,永遠地靠著你的聖靈,統管我們的弟兄(姐妹),引導他過一個基督的和敬虔的生活,並且在主耶穌基督裡成長茁壯,使他能宣告你天父的良善和憐憫。這些你都已經展現給他和我們每一個人了。求你使他在我們唯一的導師,君王,大祭司耶穌基督裡面過義的生活;並且勇敢地與罪爭戰,勝過罪和魔鬼,和其整個的轄制,直到他永遠地讚美你、頌揚你,你的兒子耶穌基督,和聖靈,唯一的真神。阿門! |
Hear now the teaching of our Lord in Scripture concerning Baptism:
Matthew 28:18-20 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Instruction About Baptism Baptism is a sacrament ordained by our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a sign and seal of the inclusion of the person who is baptized in the covenant of grace. Baptism with water teaches that we and our children are conceived and born in sin. It signifies our dying to sin and our rising to newness of life by virtue of our union with Christ in His death and resurrection. It also signifies and seals to us cleansing from sin by the blood and Spirit of Christ. Since these gifts of salvation are the gracious provision of the triune God, who is pleased to claim us as His very own, we are baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Baptized persons are called upon to assume the obligations of the covenant; Baptism summons us to renounce sin and the world, and to walk humbly with our God in devotion to His commandments. Challenge to the Congregation In preparing to be witness of this solemn administration of the sacrament of baptism it is altogether wise and proper for baptized believers to reflect on their own Baptism, to repent of their sins against their covenant God, to stir up their faith, and so to improve and make right use of their Baptism. The Westminster Larger Catechism Q. 167 leads us to consider our duty in improving our own Baptism when it asks, “How is our Baptism to be improved by us?” The answer to this query is provided as follows: The needful but much neglected duty of improving our Baptism, is to be performed by us all our life long, especially in the time of temptation, and when we are present at the administration of it to others, by serious and thankful consideration of the nature of it, and of the ends for which Christ instituted it, the privileges and benefits conferred and sealed thereby, and our solemn vow made therein; by being humbled for our sinful defilement, our falling short of, and walking contrary to, the grace of the Baptism and our engagements; by growing up to assurance of pardon of sin, and of all other blessings sealed to us in that Sacrament; by drawing strength from the death and resurrection of Christ, into whom we are baptized, for the mortifying of sin, and quickening of grace; and by endeavoring to live by faith, to have our conversation in holiness and righteousness, as those that have therein given up their names to Christ; and to walk in brotherly love, as being baptized by the same Spirit into one body. Queries for the Baptismal Candidate Having heard this word of instruction, and concerning the solemn obligation to improve our Baptism, let me now request that __________ come forward to take the vows of covenant membership and to receive the sacrament of Holy Baptism. 1. Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, the only infallible rule for faith and life? 2. Do you believe in the one living and true God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as revealed in the Scriptures? 3. Do you repent of your sin; confess your guilt and helplessness as a sinner against God; profess Jesus Christ, Son of God, as your Savior and Lord; and dedicate yourself to His service? Do you promise that you will endeavor to forsake all sin, and to conform your life to His teaching and example? 4. Do you promise to submit in the Lord to the teaching and government of this church as being based upon the Scriptures and described in substance in the Constitution of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America? Do you recognize your responsibility to work with others in the church and do you promise to support and encourage them in their service to the Lord? In case you should need correction in doctrine or life, do you promise to respect the authority and discipline of the church? 5. To the end that you may grow in the Christian life, do you promise that you will diligently read the Bible, engage in private prayer, keep the Lord’s Day, regularly attend the worship services, observe the appointed sacraments, and give to the Lord’s work as He shall prosper you? 6. Do you purpose to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness in all the relationships of life, faithfully to perform your whole duty as a true servant of Jesus Christ, and seek to win others to Him? 7. Do you make this profession of faith and purpose in the presence of God, in humble reliance upon His grace, as you desire to give your account with joy at the Last Great Day? Administration of the Sacrament That we therefore may administer this holy ordinance of God to His glory, to our comfort, and to the edification of the church, let us call upon His holy name: Almighty, eternal God, You who have according to your severe judgment punished the unbelieving and unrepentant world with the flood, and have according to your great mercy saved and protected believing Noah and his family; You have drowned the obstinate Pharaoh and all his host in the Red Sea and led Your people through the midst of the sea upon dry ground—by which baptism was signified—we plead that You would be pleased in Your infinite mercy, graciously to look upon this brother (sister) and incorporate him (her) by Your Holy Spirit into Your Son Jesus Christ, that he (she) may be buried with Him through baptism into death and be raised with Him in the newness of life; that he (she), daily following Him, may joyfully bear his (her) cross, cleaving unto Him in true faith, firm hope, and ardent love; that he (she) believing comforted in You, may leave this life, which is nothing but constant death, and at the last day may appear without terror before the judgment seat of Christ Your Son, through Him, our Lord Jesus Christ, who with You and the Holy Spirit, one only God, lives and reigns forever. We now set apart this water from a common to a Sacramental use, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King and Head of the church. Amen. The pastor shall then baptize the person, calling his/her name and saying: I baptize you ________ in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, one God, blessed forever, Amen. Prayer of Thanksgiving and Blessing Almighty God an merciful Father, we thank and praise You that you have forgiven our sins through the blood of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ, and received us through Your Holy Spirit as members of Your only begotten Son, and so adopted us to be Your children, and sealed and confirmed the same unto us by holy baptism. We plead with you that through Him, Your beloved Son, you will always govern our brother (sister) by Your Holy Spirit and the he (she) may lead a Christian and godly life, and grow and increase in the Lord Jesus Christ, in order that he (she) may acknowledge Your fatherly goodness and mercy, which You have shown to him (her) and to us all, and live in all righteousness under our only Teacher, King, and High Priest, Jesus Christ; and manfully fight against and overcome sin, the devil, and his whole dominion, to the end that he (she) may eternally praise and magnify You, and Your Son Jesus Christ, together with the Holy Spirit, the only true God. Amen. |
現在聽聽我們的主在聖經中關於洗禮的教導: 馬太福音 28:18-20 18 耶穌進前來對他們說:「天上地下所有的權柄都賜給我了。 19 所以你們要去使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗, 20 凡我所吩咐你們的,教訓他們遵守。看啊,我永遠和你在一起,甚至到世界的末了。 關於嬰兒洗禮的說明 應給予以下指示:「洗禮是我們的主耶穌基督所命定的聖禮。這是受洗之人被納入恩典之約的記號和印記。水洗禮教導我們和我們的孩子是在罪中孕育和出生的。它像徵我們因基督的死和復活而與罪聯合而向罪死,並獲得新的生命。它也向我們象徵並印證了基督的寶血和聖靈洗淨了罪。由於這些救恩的恩賜是三一神恩典的供應,他樂意承認我們是祂自己的,所以我們奉父、子、聖靈的名受洗。受洗者被要求承擔聖約的義務;洗禮召喚我們放棄罪惡和世界,謙卑地與我們的上帝同行,忠於他的誡命。 除上述以外,牧師也應進一步指示嬰兒洗禮的理由:「我們的小孩子雖然還不明白這些事,但他們還是要受洗。因為聖約的應許是向信徒和他們的子孫立的,正如神向亞伯拉罕所宣告的:「我要與你並你世世代代的後裔堅立我的約,作永遠的約,要作神你和你的後裔(創 17:7)。 在新約中,與在舊約中一樣,信徒的兒女,由於他們的出生,就對聖約有興趣,並有權獲得聖約的印記。恩典之約在舊約和新約中本質上是相同的,洗禮取代了割禮作為該約的印記(歌羅西書2:11,12)。我們的救主允許小孩子來到他面前,擁抱他們並祝福他們,並說:“神的國正是這樣的人(馬可福音10:14)。”洗禮所象徵的恩典與施洗的時刻無關。聖經教導我們的孩子在受洗之前是聖約的聖潔(哥林多前書 7:14)。 洗禮將聖約的應許和義務施行到我們的孩子身上,並呼籲他們在成長的過程中個人悔改和相信。 在準備見證這莊嚴的洗禮聖事時,受洗的信徒反思自己的洗禮,悔改他們違背聖約的上帝的罪,激發他們的信心,從而提高他們的信仰,這是完全明智和適當的。正確利用他們的洗禮。 《威斯敏斯特大教義問答》第 167 題引導我們思考改進我們自己的洗禮的責任,當它問:“我們如何改進我們的洗禮?”該查詢的答案如下: 改進我們的洗禮是必要的,但常常被忽視的責任,是我們一生都應該履行的,特別是在受試探的時候,當我們在場為他人施行洗禮時,要認真而感恩地考慮洗禮的本質。關於它,關於基督設立它的目的,由此賦予和密封的特權和利益,以及我們在其中所做的莊嚴誓言;因我們的罪玷污、我們未能達到洗禮的恩典和我們的約定、以及與它們背道而馳而感到謙卑;長大後確信罪得赦免,並在聖禮中印證給我們所有其他的祝福;從基督的死和復活中汲取力量,我們受洗歸入基督,以治死罪,並復活恩典;並且努力憑信心生活,以聖潔和公義的態度行事,就像那些將自己的名字歸給基督的人一樣;並以弟兄之愛行事,如同受同一位聖靈的洗禮,成為一個身體。 (教導結束後,家長要把孩子帶到會眾面前。長老們也可能被要求站出來。牧師或另一位長老應要求家長回答以下問題: “您是否公開重申您對基督的信仰並承認您接受聖徒會員契約?” 教友之約: 1. 你相信舊約和新約聖經是神的話語,是信仰和生活唯一無誤的準則嗎? 2. 你相信聖經所啟示的獨一永生真神-聖父、聖子、聖靈嗎? 3. 你是否悔改你的罪?承認你作為罪人對抗神的罪孽和無助;承認神的兒子耶穌基督為你的救主和生命的主;並獻身於祂的服務?你是否承諾你會努力放棄所有的罪惡,並使你的生活符合祂的教導和榜樣? 4. 你是否承諾在主裡服從本教會的教導和管理,這些教導和管理以聖經為基礎,並在北美改革宗長老會章程中得到了實質描述?您是否認識到自己有責任與教會中的其他人一起工作,並承諾支持和鼓勵他們為主服務?如果你在教義或生活上需要糾正,你是否承諾尊重教會的權威和紀律? 5. 為了讓你在基督徒生活中成長,你是否承諾勤奮閱讀聖經,私下祈禱,守主日,定期參加敬拜儀式,遵守指定的聖禮,並給主的工作會讓你興盛嗎? 6. 你是否打算在生活的一切關係中首先尋求神的國和祂的義,忠心地履行你作為耶穌基督真正僕人的全部職責,並尋求贏得別人歸向祂? 7. 你願不願意在上帝面前,謙卑地依靠祂的恩典,宣示你的信心和目的,就像你渴望在最後的偉大日子裡喜樂地交賬一樣? 然後,父母應同意與其子女有關的洗禮聖約,並說:“在上帝的幫助下,我們願意。” 洗禮之約: 1. 你相信這個孩子是上帝託付給你照顧的財產嗎? 2. 有鑑於此,你是否承諾為他提供現世的福祉,教導他愛神和他的話語聖經,並為他提供以神為中心的教育? 3. 你是否答應教導祂祂的罪性、以耶穌基督為中心的救贖計劃,以及祂個人與基督建立關係的需要? 4. 為了讓他在基督徒的生活上成長,你是否答應為他禱告,訓練他讀聖經、禱告、守主日,了解教會的本質、價值?成員資格的需要? 5. 你是否承諾以身作則,並以父母的愛心管教,引導他在人生的一切關係中首先尋求神的國和神的義? 6. 當你渴望在最後的偉大日子裡喜樂地交帳時,你是否在神面前謙卑地依靠祂的恩典作出這些應許? 牧師應該要求會眾起立並回答以下問題:「你們,這個會眾的成員,是否願意加入你們的團契並承諾為他祈禱,並幫助和鼓勵他的父母撫養他長大?」在主的教導和勸戒中嗎? 會眾會回答:“我們願意,在神的幫助下。” 聖禮的施行 因此,為了使我們能夠執行上帝的這一神聖法令,以榮耀他,安慰我們,並造就教會,讓我們呼求他的聖名: 全能、永恆的神,你以洪水懲罰了不信、不悔改的世人,又以大憐憫拯救並保護了信主的諾亞和他的家人;你把頑梗的法老和他的全軍淹死在紅海裡,並帶領你的子民在海中走上乾地——這象徵著洗禮——我們懇求你因你無限的憐憫而高興,仁慈地看待這位弟兄(姊妹),並藉著你的聖靈將他(她)納入到你的兒子耶穌基督裡,使他(她)可以透過洗禮歸入死亡與他一起埋葬,並在新的生命中與他一起復活;使每天跟隨祂的祂(她)能喜樂地背起祂(她)的十字架,以真實的信心、堅定的盼望和熱切的愛依靠祂;使相信你的人可以離開這除了死亡之外一無所有的生命,並在末日可以毫無恐懼地出現在你兒子基督的審判台前,透過他,我們的主耶穌基督,永遠活著並作王。 現在,我們奉教會之王和元首主耶穌基督的名,將這些水從普通用途分別出來為聖禮用途。阿門。 然後,牧師將為該人施洗,喊出他的名字,並說:「我以父、子、聖靈的名,_________給你施洗。阿門。 感恩與祝福的祈禱 全能的神,仁慈的天父,我們感謝讚美你,你藉著你愛子耶穌基督的寶血赦免了我們的罪,並透過你的聖靈接納我們作為你獨生子的肢體,並收養我們成為你的兒女。我們懇求您透過他,您的愛子,您將永遠用您的聖靈來管理我們的兄弟(姊妹),使他(她)可以過基督徒和敬虔的生活,並在主耶穌基督裡成長和壯大,以便他(她)承認您向他(她)和我們所有人所表現出的慈父般的良善和憐憫,並在我們唯一的老師、君王和大祭司耶穌基督的帶領下過著諸般的公義生活;並且勇敢地與罪惡、魔鬼及其整個統治權作鬥爭並戰勝它,以便他(她)可以永遠讚美和尊崇您和您的兒子耶穌基督,以及聖靈,獨一的真神。阿門。 |
Baptism of A Covenant Child
Hear now the teaching of our Lord in Scripture concerning Baptism: Matthew 28:18-20 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Instruction About Infant Baptism The following instruction should be given: “Baptism is a sacrament ordained by our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a sign and seal of the inclusion of the person who is baptized in the covenant of grace. Baptism with water teaches that we and our children are conceived and born in sin. It signifies our dying to sin and our rising to newness of life by virtue of our union with Christ in His death and resurrection. It also signifies and seals to us cleansing from sin by the blood and Spirit of Christ. Since these gifts of salvation are the gracious provision of the triune God, who is pleased to claim us as His very own, we are baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Baptized persons are called upon to assume the obligations of the covenant; Baptism summons us to renounce sin and the world, and to walk humbly with our God in devotion to His commandments.” The pastor shall give further instruction, in addition to that given above, as to the ground of infant baptism: “Although our young children do not yet understand these things, they are nevertheless to be baptized. For the promise of the covenant is made to believers and to their children, as God declared to Abraham, ‘And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you (Genesis 17:7).’ Under the New Testament, no less than in the Old, the children of believers, have, by virtue of their birth, an interest in the covenant and a right to the seal of it. The covenant of grace is the same in substance in both the Old and the New Testament, and Baptism has replaced circumcision as the seal of that covenant (Colossians 2:11,12). Our Savior admitted little children into His presence, embracing them and blessing them, and saying, ‘Of such is the kingdom of God (Mark 10:14).’ The grace signified in baptism is not tied to the moment of administration. Scripture teaches that our children are covenantally holy before their baptism (I Corinthians 7:14). Baptism applies the promises and obligations of the covenant to our children, and calls them to personal repentance and faith as they come to years of understanding.” In preparing to be witness of this solemn administration of the sacrament of baptism it is altogether wise and proper for baptized believers to reflect on their own Baptism, to repent of their sins against their covenant God, to stir up their faith, and so to improve and make right use of their Baptism. The Westminster Larger Catechism Q. 167 leads us to consider our duty in improving our own Baptism when it asks, “How is our Baptism to be improved by us?” The answer to this query is provided as follows: The needful but much neglected duty of improving our Baptism, is to be performed by us all our life long, especially in the time of temptation, and when we are present at the administration of it to others, by serious and thankful consideration of the nature of it, and of the ends for which Christ instituted it, the privileges and benefits conferred and sealed thereby, and our solemn vow made therein; by being humbled for our sinful defilement, our falling short of, and walking contrary to, the grace of the Baptism and our engagements; by growing up to assurance of pardon of sin, and of all other blessings sealed to us in that Sacrament; by drawing strength from the death and resurrection of Christ, into whom we are baptized, for the mortifying of sin, and quickening of grace; and by endeavoring to live by faith, to have our conversation in holiness and righteousness, as those that have therein given up their names to Christ; and to walk in brotherly love, as being baptized by the same Spirit into one body. After the instruction, the parents are to bring the children to the front of the congregation. The elders may also be asked to come forward. The pastor or another elder shall ask the parents to respond to the following question: “Do you publicly renew your profession of faith in Christ and acknowledge your acceptance of the Covenant of Communicant Membership?” The Covenant of Church Membership: 1. Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, the only infallible rule for faith and life? 2. Do you believe in the one living and true God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as revealed in the Scriptures? 3. Do you repent of your sin; confess your guilt and helplessness as a sinner against God; profess Jesus Christ, Son of God, as your Savior and Lord; and dedicate yourself to His service? Do you promise that you will endeavor to forsake all sin, and to conform your life to His teaching and example? 4. Do you promise to submit in the Lord to the teaching and government of this church as being based upon the Scriptures and described in substance in the Constitution of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America? Do you recognize your responsibility to work with others in the church and do you promise to support and encourage them in their service to the Lord? In case you should need correction in doctrine or life, do you promise to respect the authority and discipline of the church? 5. To the end that you may grow in the Christian life, do you promise that you will diligently read the Bible, engage in private prayer, keep the Lord’s Day, regularly attend the worship services, observe the appointed sacraments, and give to the Lord’s work as He shall prosper you? 6. Do you purpose to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness in all the relationships of life, faithfully to perform your whole duty as a true servant of Jesus Christ, and seek to win others to Him? 7. Do you make this profession of faith and purpose in the presence of God, in humble reliance upon His grace, as you desire to give your account with joy at the Last Great Day? The parents shall then assent to the Covenant of Baptism in relation to their children by saying, “We do, with God’s help.” The Covenant of Baptism: 1. Do you believe this child is a possession of God entrusted to your care? 2. In this light, do you promise to provide for his temporal well-being, to teach him to love God and His Word, the Bible, and to provide him with a God-centered education? 3. Do you promise to teach him of his sinful nature, of the plan of salvation which centers in Jesus Christ, and his own personal need of a relationship with Christ? 4. To the end that he may grow in the Christian life, do you promise to pray for him, and to train him to read the Bible, to pray, to keep the Lord’s Day and to understand the nature of the Church, the value of its worship and fellowship, and his need to seek communicant membership in the church? 5. Do you promise to lead him, by your example and parental discipline exercised in love, to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness in all the relationships of life? 6. Do you make these promises in the presence of God, in humble reliance upon His grace, as you desire to give your account with joy at the Last Great Day? The pastor should ask the congregation to rise and respond to the following question: “Do you, the members of this congregation, receive_____________, into your fellowship and promise to pray for him and to help and encourage his parents as they seek to bring him up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord?” The congregation shall respond, “We do, with God’s help.” Administration of the Sacrament That we therefore may administer this holy ordinance of God to His glory, to our comfort, and to the edification of the church, let us call upon His holy name: Almighty, eternal God, You who have according to your severe judgment punished the unbelieving and unrepentant world with the flood, and has according to your great mercy saved and protected believing Noah and his family; You have drowned the obstinate Pharaoh and all his host in the Red Sea and led Your people through the midst of the sea upon dry ground—by which baptism was signified—we plead that You would be pleased in Your infinite mercy, graciously to look upon this brother (sister) and incorporate him (her) by Your Holy Spirit into Your Son Jesus Christ, that he (she) may be buried with Him through baptism into death and be raised with Him in the newness of life; that he (she), daily following Him, may joyfully bear his (her) cross, cleaving unto Him in true faith, firm hope, and ardent love; that he (she) believing comforted in You, may leave this life, which is nothing but constant death, and at the last day may appear without terror before the judgment seat of Christ Your Son, through Him, our Lord Jesus Christ, who with You and the Holy Spirit, one only God, lives and reigns forever. We now set apart this water from a common to a Sacramental use, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the King and Head of the church. Amen. The pastor shall then baptize the person, calling his name and saying,“I baptize you, _________ in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” Prayer of Thanksgiving and Blessing Almighty God an merciful Father, we thank and praise You that you have forgiven our sins through the blood of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ, and received us through Your Holy Spirit as members of Your only begotten Son, and so adopted us to be Your children, and sealed and confirmed the same unto us by holy baptism. We plead with you that through Him, Your beloved Son, you will always govern our brother (sister) by Your Holy Spirit and the he (she) may lead a Christian and godly life, and grow and increase in the Lord Jesus Christ, in order that he (she) may acknowledge Your fatherly goodness and mercy, which You have shown to him (her) and to us all, and live in all righteousness under our only Teacher, King, and High Priest, Jesus Christ; and manfully fight against and overcome sin, the devil, and his whole dominion, to the end that he (she) may eternally praise and magnify You, and Your Son Jesus Christ, together with the Holy Spirit, the only true God. Amen. |