主日聚會地點:Northwood Park Community Center
4531 Bryan Avenue, Irvine
主日敬拜時間:下午 1:30-3:30;主日學:3:45-4:30
4531 Bryan Avenue, Irvine
主日敬拜時間:下午 1:30-3:30;主日學:3:45-4:30
加州爾灣聖徒改革宗長老會是一群由華人基督徒和他們的兒女們所組成的敬拜神的團體,屬於北美改革宗長老會(Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America 簡稱:RPCNA)的肢體。作為RPCNA的成員,也受到所屬的區會:太平洋海岸長老區會(Pacific Coast Presbytery)的監督和扶持。
All Saints Reformed Presbyterian Church Irvine, California is a growing body of Mandarin speaking worshipers of God consisting of Christian believers and their children officially taken as a member of Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA) . As part of the RPCNA, we enjoy the supervision and support of the Pacific Coast Presbytery, the regional body of churches to which we belong.