The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Reformed Presbyterian Testimony
B-大要理問答 B-1
The Larger Catechism B-1
C-小要理問答 C-1
The Shorter Catechism C-1
Directory for Church Government
The Book of Discipline
The Directory of Public Worship
Suggested Forms
History of the Standards
1871 年的盟約
The Covenant of 1871
索引 J-1
The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Reformed Presbyterian Testimony
B-大要理問答 B-1
The Larger Catechism B-1
C-小要理問答 C-1
The Shorter Catechism C-1
Directory for Church Government
The Book of Discipline
The Directory of Public Worship
Suggested Forms
History of the Standards
1871 年的盟約
The Covenant of 1871
索引 J-1
The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Reformed Presbyterian Testimony
Introduction A-1 1. Of the Holy Scriptures A-5 2. Of God, and of the Holy Trinity A-11 3. Of God’s Eternal Decree A-16 4. Of Creation A-19 5. Of ProvidenceA-23 6. Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof .A-26 7. Of God’s Covenant with Man A-28 8. Of Christ the Mediator A-30 9. Of Free Will .A-34 10. Of Effectual Calling A-35 11. Of Justification A-38 12. Of Adoption A-40 13. Of Sanctification A-42 14. Of Saving Faith A-43 15. Of Repentance unto Life A-46 16. Of Good Works A-48 17. Of the Perseverance of the Saints A-51 18. Of Assurance of Grace and Salvation A-53 19. Of the Law of God A-55 20. Of Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience .A-58 21. Of ReligiousWorship,andtheSabbathDayA-61 22. Of Lawful Oaths and Vows A-65 23. Of the Civil Magistrate A-69 24. Of Marriage and Divorce A-78 25. Of the Church A-86 26. Of Communion of Saints A-90 27. Of the Sacraments A-93 28. Of Baptism A-94 29. Of theLord’sSupper A-96 30. Of Church Censures A-99 31. Of Synods and Councils A-101 32. Of the State of Men after Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead A-103 33. Of the Last Judgment A-104 The Larger Catechism B-1 The Shorter Catechism C-1 Directory for Church Government Introduction D-1 1. The Communicant Membership of the Church D-1 2. The Congregation D-4 3. The Officers of the Church D-6 4. The Session D-28 5. The Board of Deacons D-30 6. The Presbytery D-31 7. Organizing New Congregations D-34 8. The Synod D-38 9. Rules of Order for a Meeting of Synod D-42 The Book of Discipline Introduction E-1 I. Definitions, Principles, and General Disciplinary Action E-2 1. The Scriptural Foundation and Basic Principles of Church DisciplineE-2 2. Dealing with Sin in the Church—Personal Responsibility .E-3 3. Dealing with Sin in the Church—Corporate Responsibility . E-4 4. The Imposition of Church Censures E-5 5. Rights of AppealE-7 6. Repentance, Forgiveness, and Restoration after Censure E-8 II. Special Disciplinary Process of Formal Trial E-9 Introduction E-9 1. Parties and Jurisdiction E-9 2. Instituting Judicial Process E-10 3. The Trial of the Casse E-12 4. Removal of a Case from a Lower to a Higher Court E-15 The Directory of Public Worship The Nature of WorshipF-1 The Practice of Worship F-2 The Administration of the Sacraments F-9 1. Special OrdinancesF-15 2. Weddings and Funerals F-17 VowsG-1 Suggested Forms H-1 History of the Standards I-1 The Covenant of 1871 I-5 Index J-1 |
The Westminster Confession of Faith and the Reformed Presbyterian Testimony 序言Introduction 1. 關於聖經A-5 2. 論上帝和三位一體A-11 3. 論神永恆的旨意A-16 4. 創造A-19 5. 神的護理 A-23。 6. 論人的墮落、罪孽及其懲罰 A-26 7. 神與人所立的約 A-28 8. 論基督中保 A-31 9. 自由意志A-34 10. 有效的呼召A-35 11. 稱義A-38 12. 收養A-40 13. 論成聖A-42 14. 拯救信心A-43 15. 悔改得生命A-46 16. 善行A-48 17. 論聖徒的堅忍A-51 18. 恩典和救恩的確據A-53 19. 論上帝的律法A-55 20. 基督教自由和良心自由A-58 21. 宗教崇拜與安息日A-61 22. 合法的誓言和誓言A-65 23. 民事治安法官A-69 24. 論結婚與離婚A-78 25. 教會的A-86 26. 聖徒相通A-90 27. 論聖禮A-93 28. 論洗禮A-94 29. 主的晚餐A-96 30. 教會的譴責A-99 31. 主教會議和理事會A-101 32. 論人死後的狀態和復活 死人的A-103 33.最後的審判 B-大要理問答 B-1 C-小要理問答 C-1 D-教會治理指引 Directory for Church Government 序言D-1 1. 教會的共有會員制D-1 2. 會眾D-4 3. 教會的官員D-6 4. 會議D-28 5. 執事會D-30 6. 長老教會D-31 7. 組織新會眾D-34 8. 主教會議D-38 9. 主教會議議事規則D-42 E-教會紀律手冊 The Book of Discipline 序言E-1 I. 定義、原則和一般的紀律處分E-2 Definitions, Principles, and General Disciplinary Action 1. 教會紀律的聖經基礎與基本原則E-2 2. 處理教會中的罪-個人的責任E-3 3. 處理教會中的罪-團體的責任E-4 4. 教會的譴責E-5 5. 上訴權E-7 6. 譴責後的悔改、寬恕與恢復E-8 II. 正式審判的特別紀律程序 E-9 Special Disciplinary Process of Formal Trial
F-公共崇拜規範 The Directory of Public Worship
E-起誓G-1 建議表格.H-1 標準的歷史 1871 年的盟約5號州際公路 指引.J-1 |